Title: Inamorato
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Angst, Dark, Drama, Supernatural, Psychological, Tragedy (?)
Warnings: AU, angst, darkfic, supernatural (incubi), character death (but not really), the occult, minor gender-bender (duh, incubi), minor drug abuse (caffeine pills), and...I think that's everything.
Summary: Until Death do us part - a farce;
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Comments 14
As creepy as it is, it was really well written.
But it is so sad that Jaejoong had to resort to transforming himself into a demon in order to find peace of mind.
Thank you for writing and completing this story!
Well,but yunho want it too,so i can't saxt a word.this fic well written,this is so good.thanks for share it to us
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