Title: Accept and Adjust Relationship: Hermione/Sirius Genre: Romance/Drama/Humor Rating: Teen Warning(s): Sexual Content Word Count: 807 Summary: When the choice is handed down, she made the right decision. ( Read more... )
This was such a lovely treat to have pop up on my flist today! So much came across in such a short span of words, both between the events that happened and their love for each other. It was like a delicious little dark chocolate brownie with cream cheese icing :) Thank you for writing & sharing!
i really love your writing and have a neat preference for the hermione/sirius pairing. i wish you'd write a story (ie, not a one.shot) with that pairing. i think you do an amazing job encapsulating the various characters' feelings! thx for sharing your talent and work. Cassiopée.
I love your writing....really, but I'm a little disappointed that you don't finish some longer stories like Secret Life or While You Were Gone (which I really consider as the best fanfictions in this genre I've ever read)...you promised but until now you only write One Shots.....Please think about adding at least some new chapters. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is patiently waiting. Wish you all the best Lu
while you were gone abandoned? sorry other comment wouldnt posthogwartsgirl007May 29 2010, 01:05:33 UTC
Hey girl! I know its been years since this has had an update... Is it abandoned? I check up on it once in a while hoping every time that you would throw us a bone. You have such an incredible buildup and then... Nothing! I really hope that this isn't the end cause I love this one I know I'll just make myself miserable but I reread it I cannot help it! Anyway, just hoping for an update of some sort love ya babe no matter what ;)
Comments 7
i think you do an amazing job encapsulating the various characters' feelings!
thx for sharing your talent and work.
Wish you all the best
Anyway, just hoping for an update of some sort love ya babe no matter what ;)
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