Title: Too Little, Too Late
Category: Harry Potter
Rating: T
Genre: Humor/Romance
Relationship: Sirius/Hermione, Ron
Word Count: 1,124
Summary: When Ron returns from tour with the Chudley Cannons, he thinks to look up Hermione for a try at a relationship... Unfortunately for him, she's already found the right man for her and he's not about to let Ron
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Comments 6
I missed your stories, the way you express yourself is really amazing, you don't need to write a whole novel to make a piece to be enjoyable (that doesn't mean I don't want a veryyyyy long one, XD), about the updating, don't worry about it, your muse will come sooner or latter and when it does I'll be waiting for another amazing piece.
Absolutely wonderful writing. Sirius does strike me as the kind of guy to rub it in, even if he should be the more mature man. And the possessiveness? Loved that too. I can't wait to go through your sirius/hermione tag and see what else comes up :)
another story.....when Hermione said I;ll Come With You.....JKR could have made it a Harry and Hermione story right there......What in the world was she thinking!!!
Good luck with your writing
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