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Comments 62

ignitible February 12 2007, 03:16:14 UTC
*is Axel-mun from Paradisa* I went ahead and friended you. ^^ *hopes this is fine~*


attaining February 12 2007, 03:19:32 UTC
Yus! Welcome to the crazy! *squish* I love that we both have fire-themed journals.

And thanks, now I have The Doors stuck in my head. <3


ignitible February 12 2007, 03:24:00 UTC
Oooo, I love the crazy~ Haha, I blame my muse. xD Axel demanded I give him his own fire-themed layout.

It's an awesome song! >8D You know you like it. <3


attaining February 12 2007, 03:43:10 UTC
DX I have nothing to blame! I'm surprised Axel didn't demand a chocolate one. :x

IT IS! I do like it! I'm a big Doors fan!


thano March 25 2007, 04:25:08 UTC
8D I will admit to being totally shallow and one minded... so I'm asking to be friended so I can see that Allen/Lavi drabble-crack that you mentioned on whitelights journal. =3? Please?


attaining March 25 2007, 09:11:48 UTC
LMAO. Well, I didn't actually post it in my journal, SO. I'll copy and paste it for you. =3 ( ... )


thano March 26 2007, 01:04:11 UTC
very considerate of you. x3333


8D "making room". holy craaaaaaaaaack. =DDD

yes i'd liek to be friended. please?


attaining March 27 2007, 08:04:58 UTC
XD &hearts

Sure! I welcome you to the crazy!


(The comment has been removed)

attaining September 28 2007, 05:17:03 UTC
Y halo thar~ Hee! IT'S OKAY, I AM AWKWARD ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US?? XDD Thanks for commenting!

Of course! &hearts


lovestories September 29 2007, 03:05:24 UTC

I found you from your Akito/Shigure fanmix, totally forgot about you, and then found you again through your Misa fanmix. So, I read some of your Death Note posts and I wanted to friend you because I love Death Note and Fruits Basket, and here it's like a two-for-one package!

I probably came off as a stalker, but whatever. *shrugs*


attaining October 2 2007, 03:05:17 UTC
XDDD!!! YOU SOUND FINE? DN and Furuba are excellent qualities!!! XD

&hearts Welcome~


notforked October 1 2007, 20:10:51 UTC

I noticed on your lil paradisa friending meme thing that you said you talk/babble a lot.
Mellowness is also ftw.

BUT: My entries get long and overly detailed, happen daily, are usually play-by-play style (though I've been getting better at using LJ cuts to thin out the extra details), have too much TMI and sometimes go into lazy grammar. So... if any of the above isn't welcome on your friends page I'll understand. :)


attaining October 2 2007, 03:08:20 UTC

Heee!!! Yes!

That's okay, I don't mind long or personal entries. XD; I can't stop looking at your icon, so I must say yes. XDDD



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