Title: The Adventures of Iron Mare, Chapter 1: In Which Steve Is A Wonderful Mattress and Tony Is Feeling a Little Horse
Author/Artist: Attalander
Universe: Marvel Movieverse, IRL Norse Mythology
Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, background Hawkeye/Coulson, perhaps other background pairings
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki, Thor, Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, etc. etc. etc.
Rating: R (For Tony's dirty mouth, sexual humor, and eventual Steve/Tony sexyteims)
Warnings: Unrepentant ridiculousness,
Word Count: 612
Beta Reader:
wolverinegalSummary: Pissing off someone as magically powerful as Loki is bound to have consequences. For Tony, the consequences this time include being turned into a horse. While enduring the trials of changing himself back, he has to manage his budding - and now extremely awkward - relationship with Steve, as well as the amusement of the rest of the Avengers. No, Clint can not ride him into battle.
Steve/Tony, but NO BESTIALITY. Just fluff. And crack. And feels.
And eventual smut.
Chapter 1: In which Steve Is A Wonderful Mattress and Tony is Feeling a Little Horse
Tony woke up lying on something warm, soft and wiggly. Even moving so much, it was a comfortable pillow. Wait, not it... she? No, Tony sniffed the body under his, it smelled of sweat, spicy body wash, musk… Steve.
Yes! Finally! Tony smirked to himself, trying to nuzzle deeper into Steve's body. Waking up on top of Steve could only mean a final, pleasant end to their months'-long "courtship", the frustrating but oddly rewarding puzzle of helping Steve come to terms with the 21st century, his sexuality, and his relationship with Tony.
"Tony! TONY!"
God, hadn't the man ever heard of afterglow? Or mornings, and how much Tony hated them? His head was starting to pound with the beginnings of his pre-coffee morning headache, and there was more noise coming from somewhere, making it worse.
"Good Captain, are you all right?" Came the booming voice of Thor and Tony winced, trying to cover his ears, but he couldn't, there was something wrong with his hands… and who had let the big, loud lug into his room in the first place? Or was it Steve's? There was an ungodly amount of light, wherever this was .Too much for a morning, too much for Tony to open his eyes yet.
"I'm fine, Thor!" Steve called back from under Tony, too close to Tony's sensitive ears, and sounding... strained somehow. "He's heavy but- No, don't move him! I don't know if he's hurt or unconscious."
Tony tried to rouse his sleepy brain enough to speak, enough to say "I'm fine," but his lips wouldn't form the words, and all that cam out was a hoarse whuffle.
Tony tried again, trying to make the sounds come out, but his tongue wasn't working, wouldn't let him get anything else out but a sort of high-pitched squeal. Suddenly Tony wasn't sleepy anymore, and his eyes snapped open despite the glaring light and there was something wrong, he couldn't see in front of him, it was like there was a blank spot right in the middle of his field of vision.
What the hell, what the hell! Tony tried to yell, tried to get his mouth to work but it wouldn't, and he couldn't sit up, couldn't get to his feet and there were voices and sounds-
"Tony, Tony, woah!" Steve was under him, trying to dodge Tony's thrashing, too-long legs, "Tony, calm down!"
But Tony was scrambling to his feet, desperately looking around him, trying to make sense of what was happening, why his body felt so strange and why he couldn't speak and couldn't seem to stand quite right. It took him precious moments to take in what his oddly-placed eyes were showing him, and every glance made Tony more and more confused and panicked.
Crater, he and Steve were in a crater, surrounded by rubble, the rubble of shattered New York brownstones and crushed sidewalk. Steve was sprawled out on the ground, his Captain America uniform burned and scratched and covered in pieces of red and gold scrap metal, and there was a look of fear and confusion on his face that made Tony's heart beat even more wildly as he tried to stand right, slipping on the uneven ground. Figures, too small and too quick, moved around him, trying to touch him, trying to grab him.
Tony tried to yell and finally recognized the sound that came out, the long ululating cry that couldn't be described as anything but a whinny. Throwing his head back, Tony reared, lashing out with his hooves as he cried at the top his huge, powerful lungs…
"Why the FUCK am I a HORSE!?"
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