yuletide2010: yule letter

Dec 26, 2010 16:14

Dear lovely Yuletide author,

Most importantly: you are awesome.

Thank you so much for writing a fic for me! I am sure I will love whatever you create! I want a fic that the author was happy writing, so feel free to ignore this if you work best without extra info.

I've included my requests as well as some additional information about why these fandoms are awesome. But first here is some non-fandom specific stuff that might help you.
  • If you include porn in your fic I will probably scroll past it.
  • I am ok with character death and I love apocafic. If you run out of other ideas, kill (almost) everybody in the world off and I will love it.
  • I also love positive racial diversity lots. If you want some beta help in that regards, or just want to check out an awesome project, go to
    dark_agenda. (Also, should go without saying, but please don't racefail.)
  • I like: plot, ensembles, banter, found families, fully realized settings, adventures, interesting narrative voices and people who bring the funny.
  • I dislike: character bashing, romance-centric fic, infidelity, kidfic, ignoring women and characters of color, introspective character pieces, incest, schmoop, gratuitous angst, h/c, pwp, and mpreg.
  • How to stalk me: It is a time honored Yuletide tradition to stalk your recipient. To that end: my delicious & my fic. I can often be found in the #yuletide chatroom. I use the nickname kristin, so you can avoid or stalk as you please.

The Wire
  • Request - I would love any fic for this fandom. Feel free to ignore all my prompts and write whatever you want in this fandom. If you want some ideas, though, I have plenty: how would the characters would react to an apocalypse? What about an AU where Carver adopted Randy? (alternatively how about them meeting again in a few years?) How about Bubbles and his addiction? Or what about when he met Kima? Something about Bodie and Carver and their growth over the seasons? Or how about Shardene visiting D'Angelo in prison? Prefer gen unless you want to write the epic (love) story of Avon and Stringer.
  • About the Fandom - The Wire is an HBO drama about Baltimore that ran for 5 seasons. It is deeply realistic, with a wide range of characters. While it is often billed as a procedural, it is so much more. Each season focused on a different aspect of Baltimore: the cops and dealers in the projects, the docks, politics, schools and newspapers. And it was utterly brilliant.

    It is like a great novel put on screen, with layers and histories building up. Each season adds more depth to the city and the characters in it. It is well acted, directed and written. All the pieces work together at a high level to create something wonderful. The cast is fucking hot, too. Idris Elba alone is hotter than the sun.

    Every bit of this universe is so fully realized. Everything has consequences The impacts of each decision ripple out throughout the city and community. There are not characters existing in isolation, or plot-lines that exist only for sweeps. Everything matters, because everything works together. As a result, things change and grow.

    There are many fully realized queer characters for whom that is one part of them, not their complete characterization. Same thing, only with characters of color. In fact, there are fully realized queer characters of color!

    I recommend this pimping post if you are considering starting this canon.
  • About my request - I love this show and just want more fic for it. I love these characters. I love the bleakness. I love that the good guys don’t always win, and when they do win it doesn’t mean that things improve. I love that everything has consequences. Basically ♥ my show.

    I would rather have a fic in this fandom stay grounded in the show’s reality and break my heart than go for a false happily ever after. Also, a lot of these characters use language that can be offensive and crude. I am perfectly OK with such language in fic as long as it is no more extreme than canon and stays true to the character voices. However, if you are not comfortable writing it, obviously you don't have to.

    My favorite characters include Bodie, Carver, Bubbles, Shardene and Bunny, while I am least interested in the season 5 characters, McNulty or Carcetti. Also, I would prefer it if you stuck to the canon sexualities, with the possible exception of Avon and Stringer. (I normally wouldn’t request this, but in this fandom it doesn’t mean erasure.)
  • Availability - The Wire ran on HBO for five seasons (being HBO, the most eps any season had was 13). It is available on DVD, streaming on Netflix, or can be found through other avenues which are slightly less legal such as torrents.

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High
(Professor Noel Zachary)
  • Request - I have so many questions about Professor Z. What does he talk about in the teacher’s lounge? What happened during his internship at Pearadyne? Is he secretly a spy and/or a superhero? Answer any or as many of those questions as you’d like and I will be thrilled.
  • About the Fandom - Blake Holsey High is a science fiction / boarding school show set in an undisclosed location. (I think they pretend to be in the U.S. but it was shot in Canada and everyone has Canadian accents so...) It has a super strong myth-arc involving time travel that actually holds together way more than most programs aimed at adults. It is integrated along with science lessons of the week that have little no basis in actual science. (There is a reason I use the word skience so much in this post.) Nearly anything can happen due to the black hole in the science lab!

    There are mysterious janitors and strange occurrences and ridiculous science sequences. It also features an episode where two characters were stuck together so they couldn't stop touching one another. Later in that same episode they got trapped in an elevator. This show was made to have a fandom.

    It is the perfect platform for zany adventures and/or crazy skience action sequences. There are also lots of lovely characters. While I am requesting Professor Z, the science teacher, who is great and understanding and goofy (his characterization in the alternate reality ep makes me heart hand to the screen) there are lots of other characters to love. The protagonist is Josie, a smart girl who has issues with authority, as well as the rest of the science club including the perfectionist roommate, the jock and the requisite science nerds. But don't fear! They all have characterizations above and beyond the stereotypes. And really, they are all science nerds and basically, I love them all.
  • About my request - I just watched this show for the first time earlier this year and love it. I love the characters and the ridiculous skience action sequences and the myth-arc. While I requested Professor Z, I do love all the kids and the Janitor. I prefer gen, but of all possible pairings my favorite is Corrine/Vaughn. Also, please no Z/kids sexing.
  • Availability - This show ran for 3 seasons + a tv movie. If you were assigned something else, or are just reading this letter and intrigued, and want to watch this, I suggest contacting hhertzof.

Hip Hop RPF
(Kanye West)
  • Request - I would love to see Kanye West in an AU, fusion or crossover (Kanye in Space! The good Sir Kanye! Kanye hires Shawn and Gus as his psychic bodyguards!) as his personality is big enough to hold up no matter what the scenario. If canon based is more your thing, what about the transition from producing to rapping or his quest to be a doper person? Alternatively, I would also love apocafic. Prefer gen.
  • About the Fandom - Kanye West is the greatest. No wait, he is the dopest. No wait. I mean. Kanye West is a hip hop artist and producer and character.
  • About the request - There are very few things I am completely irrational about. Kanye West is one of them. I think he is awesome and judge people who think otherwise. I love that he is so committed not only to his own awesome, but the awesome of his friends and fans. That doesn’t mean he isn’t ridiculous, in fact, if he wasn’t I wouldn’t adore him so.

    I don’t really want angst and I would love it if you could bring the funny. I prefer gen or hinted background pairings only (I OTP Beyonce/Jay-Z). Also, it should be obvious, but I adore Kanye. Please don't bash him.

    Possible ideas for AUs: Pirate!Kanye on the good ship Def Jam, Knight!Kanye, Kanye in Space!Kanye, Personal Shopper!Kanye, Mad Scientist!Kanye.

    If you want to try your hand at a crossover I suggest: Kanye meets the Old Spice Man, Kanye hires Gus and Shawn as his psychic bodyguards, or Kanye visits the Pie Hole.
  • Availability - Unfortunately there is no definitive source for RPF. However, I recommend checking out his blog and twitter as a starting place. Also, this seems to be attempting to mock him, but the video just makes me love him more. In addition, just_katarin has a primer with lots of fun Kanye goodies. For more recent Kanye on Kanye writing, try this recent article.

Runaway (tv movie)
  • Request - The choreography of the ballet dancers in this movie is stunning. Their movements tell a story, one that I want to hear more about. Are they really grounded phoenix/aliens who turned to stone? Why didn’t they burn? Were they actually dancing or was Griffin just imagining it? Does he try to interrogate them to get his phoenix back? Really, anything centered about the dancers would be lovely.
  • About the Fandom - Kanye West directed a movie. Yes, I am serious. It is a short film almost entirely set to music about a Phoenix (played by the gorgeous Selita Ebanks) who falls to Earth. She is taken in by Kanye. They frolic with lambs deer, fall in love, go see a parade featuring a giant Michael Jackson head, go to a dinner party and eventually it ends. It is just as amazingly lulzy as you can imagine. It is also beautifully shot, with gorgeous art direction and choreography.
  • About the request - Oh, Kanye. Yes. I love Kanye so much I nominated his cracktasic movie about him falling in love with a phoenix who fell to the earth before I even saw it. But I am so happy I did.

    I realize that Runaway doesn’t make any sense (it is one of its lovable qualities) but this movie is beautiful. Not the writing or “acting,” but the art direction paints this wonderful series of images. The most stunning part is the ballet to the title song. I requested fic about the dancers, because no matter how lolarious the plot, their movements and the emotion they conveyed was gorgeous.
  • Availability - This is probably the easiest fandom to pick up. The whole movie is only 31 minutes long and can be watched online for free. For people outside of the US, it is also on YouTube

Wow! Ok, so this yule letter is long enough to qualify to be a Yuletide fic. Congrats for making it through, and again, thank you for writing for one of my small fandoms.

This entry was originally posted at http://kristin.dreamwidth.org/37628.html. Feel free to comment where you feel more comfortable.

yuletide, kanye is the king, kanye west is my fandom, #yulechat is the best of chats, the wire = heartbreak, yuletide letters

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