Who: Cordelia, Gunn, Angel.
Where: At Wes and Cordy’s house
When: Late, late at night.
What: Cordy finds Wes’ note and calls Gunn in a panic.
Status: Complete
Usually, Cordelia was able to sleep through the night. Which was odd considering her job, considering the visions but never the less true. Especially when she was dead tired she’d be asleep the moment her head hit her very soft and silky pillow. This night wasn’t any different… except for the fact that Cordelia had woken up a some point.
Later she wouldn’t be able to tell what had woken her up. Was it instinct? Was it female intuition? Was it a hunch? Was it the fact that she had drank way to much water and had to pee? Probably the latter.
In any case, as she was on her way back from the bathroom she looked in on Max. There was a soft smile on her face when she opened the door quietly and peered inside. The smile faltered when she realized Max wasn’t in his cot where he was supposed to be. A frown creased her brow - very bad since it would cause wrinkles - as Cordelia blinked.
“Probably with Wesley,” she mumbled, realizing that she hadn’t heard the watcher come home. The man could be sneaky if he wanted to. Cordelia looked in on Katie a well, satisfied that the girl was deeply asleep. When she came to Wesley’s room, however, she noticed the door was open. A peek inside revealed that was no Wesley, nor was the bed slept in and there was no Max.
Worried now - the idiot hadn’t taken the boy downstairs to keep him company while Brit boy made love to his books had he? - Cordelia tied her robe tighter and stormed downstairs. A frantic whirlwind through all the room produced no Wesley and no Max but it did produce a note stuck to the front door.
The front door!
“Idiot!” Cordelia growled as she folded the note open and-could make no sense of it. Why the fuck would Wes take Max to the mansion in the middle of the effen night?! One thing she did notice and it made her shiver while reaching for the phone. The word prophecy with strange Wesley behavior? That never bode well. Ever. Never. Never ever.
“Shit,” Cordelia glanced at the note again as she dialed Gunn’s cell phone and waited for her friend to pick up. “Come on, come on, come on *Gunn!* Pick up the fucking phone!”