... anyway. the 14g in my ear hurts like a motherfucker, mostly because i haven't had my sixteens in for a while and i just shoved a 14 in. oh well. there are worse things. i'm cold, and hungry, but at least one of those problems is going to be remedied soon. night everyone~
fuck, i hate creative writing. [kills the class] this is complete and utter bullshit. and class hasn't even STARTED yet. i can't believe i'm stuck here for the next three hours. maybe we'll get out early.
I was wondering if anyone had screenshots of the 'Kingdom' dvd - i can't seem to get my computer to let me make screenshots --; If you know where I might find those [preferably without a watermark, but I really want them so I probably don't care ^^;] could you let me know?
i hate doing this... i've decided to do another friends cut. i have so much trouble keeping up with everyone, and it's starting to wear me down a bit. just leave a note if you want to be added, i won't be cutting most of you anyway, but just drop a line and all will be well, ne?