[ Player Name ] : Twi
[ Personal LJ ] :
twilightschemer [ Age ] : 19
[ Timezone ] : EST
[ Other Characters ] :
limitless_land ,
wayward_faith , and
slum_blossoms .
[ Character's Name ] : Edward Elric
[ Character's Age ] : 18
[ Series ] : Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood/Manga)
[ Canon Point ] : The Promised Day - Episode 49.
[ History ] :
To obtain something, something of equal value must be given... [ Personality ] :
"The Fullmetal Alchemist;" a fitting title for the pipsqueak as to his personality as "Hagane", the original Japanese phrase which denotes to one of obstinate disposition─an iron will and decidedly stubborn personality. This was shown not only during the exam for his certification as a state alchemist, but his fierce determination to regain his brother's lost body throughout the series no matter what challenges the two brothers face along the way. On the surface, Edward is rather self-absorbed and selfish, generally acting out of his personal interests than others' well-being and resorting to steel-fisted violence over negotiation to settle any arguments which made him rather difficult to work with for some. His short fuse is shown often in his world, specifically when someone refers to him being short (and being 4'11" at the beginning? It's true) or trying to harm those he cares about, often going into a berserker rage at either instances; a few examples being him attacking Envy near the abandoned hideout while the Homunculus attempted to retrieve Gluttony. Not to mention what happens in his future... when he'll beat the living daylights out of a weakened Dwarf in the Flask aka "Father" after Alphonse sacrifices himself. All so his older brother can regain his lost arm and defend himself after he was pinned to a destroyed wall with a shattered automail arm and pierced limb. He also has the habit of being rather disrespectful and hostile towards figures of authority─justified in some cases, due to what the Fuhrer is─and won't follow orders with which he doesn't agree on. One being his research on the Philosopher's Stone and looking into the connections between the government and the Homunculi. He also has a foul mouth, cynical and sarcastically blunt when it comes to the truth of existence. Edward's more than happy to relieve others of their false delusions regarding creators or gods, realities, and self-importance. The first two are shown rather early on in regards to his interactions with Rose and the townspeople in Liore while they were under the guidance of the false priest Cornello. He also despises sitting still for long, as shown in his many travels in the pursuit of knowledge and finding a way to get his and Al's bodies back.
But that's just on the surface and what he lets most of those he meets know. More close to his heart, however, he allows the few people who've made an impact on him see a deeper nature that he hides well. One of selflessness, unflinching loyalty and of great compassion. Edward suffered greatly at a young age, and cannot truly ignore the suffering of others. He shows this side to Tucker's young daughter, Nina, when she is mostly neglected by her father in such a large home and "abandoned" by her mother. It's brought to another level entirely when he finds out the truth about Nina's mother when he realizes that Tucker used Nina and her dog to create a talking chimera. After being pulled off the mad man, he and Alphonse are incredibly troubled by this, so far as to go into a
Heroic BSOD shortly after. Another example would be when Rose breaks down in front of the brothers, wanting nothing more then to bring her dead fiance back to life. "Stand up and walk─keep moving forward. You've got two good legs, so use them." These words are just a sample of the solemn advice he gives to those he senses excruciating pain in their hearts. As one with experience of pain and loss, he sympathizes with them and though his words are harsh, Edward means well─only wishing to set them on the straightest path forward.
Ed also stresses on the importance of accepting the responsibility of your own errors, especially the ones with healthy bodies due to being burdened with his own mistakes and his continual struggles with his own maimed body. "This is what happens when you play God or whatever you want to call it." He'll only step in on behalf of those who have the will─but not the means─to assist themselves if his mind concludes that the particular situation calls for it. This recklessness and aforementioned disgust towards many unjust authority figures has given this dog of the military great popularity and notoriety in the country of Amestris as a "hero of the people," since his very nature often has him bending the rules in accordance to his strong belief in the concept of Equivalent Exchange─the base law of Alchemy.
The incident with Shou Tucker and Nina mentioned before cause himself and Alphonse plenty of grief, showing part of their combined vulnerability. "We're only human," is what is said in response to questionings of if they can continue on or not without breaking down every time they suffer a large blow to their hearts. The event also begins leading Ed down a path of uncertainty and hesitation, and upon discovering the truth about the Philosopher's Stone, begins to question if seeking it was the right thing to do, knowing how many lives it took to create them. He and Al adopt the philosophy of not killing unless absolutely necessary, often finding that they cannot land the finishing blow. Yet through the uncertainty, they persevere─perhaps showing an even greater strength in their own humanity.
Edward also has a thing for Gothic or macabre fixtures, often transmuting decorations filled with monstrous and demonic imagery with unnecessary gaudy details. He's made it known that his red coat is also apart of this, saying that it's "a bad-ass color that gets the blood going."
He's agnostic more than the atheistic persona he tries to show in public as he proudly professes that he doesn't believe in any god. Privately he will admit that there is a god, or "Truth," in his speech, to justify why his life's been a living hell. ...It does not help that his pose for when he's about to perform alchemy looks like he's praying to God.
SIDE NOTE: Also, never call Edward short. Not ever. Though from where he is being pulled, this shouldn't be too much of an issue. Just... be warned that he will beat you to a pulp─or at least attempt to─if you do so. He'll also interrupt the insult and exaggerate it.
[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Despite age, Edward is a very capable combatant, able to take down both those much larger than him and those shorter. He trained under Izumi Curtis and as such, his petite frame masks a compactly muscular build─a dangerous and deadly fact when combined with his naturally high energy levels and endurance alongside his agility. Due to this, he's excellent at hand-to-hand combat as well as transmuting shields of the earth and the metal that makes his prosthetic. Ed's skilled enough to hold his own against armed opponents and even skilled martial artists.
His automail limbs are both a blessing and a curse; the metal used to make them is much stronger than normal metal, able to withstand the pressure thousands pounds as shown when a chimera attempted to claw through his prosthetic leg and chomp down on his arm. Currently he has his cold-resistant automail from his time in Briggs, meaning it's lighter and resistant to cold so that his stubs won't suffer from frostbite. However, the trade-off is that they aren't quite as strong as the steel he started out with. He's also recently had it coated in carbon to help him deflect damage, taking in a hint from the Homunculus Greed's "Shield."
But one thing that caused a strength is also his weakness─his ability to perform alchemy without a transmutation circle. "Knocking on the Door to Truth" caused him to lose his left leg, which can either slow him or speed him up depending on the type of metal used. Same goes for his right arm, but it's even more deadly for him. Should his right arm shatter or be broken in combat, he is nearly helpless and is unable to perform alchemy.
He's also rather sensitive to changes in barometric pressure in the joints of his right arm and left leg, the joints becoming stiff at sudden changes in temperature.
[ Other Important Facts ] :
۞ Due to his rank as a State Alchemist, he is technically considered a "Major" in the Amestris military. Despite this, he doesn't pull rank.
۞ Edward codes his own alchemy research notes in the guise of a travelogue due to his days as an avid traveler before arriving in Vatheon. They are so well coded that not even his brother can decipher them
۞ He hates milk, unless it's in stew.
۞ While ambidextrous in battle, he writes left-handed-most likely due to the fact his right is artificial.
۞ Thanks to being the son of Van Hohenheim, Edward is technically an uncle to all the Homunculi, except perhaps King Bradley/Wrath, as he related to them by the blood Hohenheim gave to create Dwarf in the Flask, Homunculus.
۞ Edward can perform alchemy without drawing a transmutation circle-the only exception to this being the human transmutation circle to open the Gate.
۞ Edward is the youngest State Alchemist in the recorded history of Amestris, having gained his certification when he was twelve.
[ Sample ] :
dear_mun example 1 dear_mun example 2 Musebox example [ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : Due to his automail limbs, uh... He'll need Alpha's help so he can even move. We've discussed this in the chat already, but can we work out the details, please?