I uploaded some extra home caps here. It includes the Colin/Bright scene and the Delia/Ephram piggy back caps. Meg, I think that was all you wanted, let me know if there's something I missed :)
Gah. Beautiful. I *love* Cathedrals, first of all, and I *love* that you used it because the lyrics are just amazing. And gosh, I actually liked Ms. Hart when she began cutting Colin's hair, and all the shadows are just so foreshadowing, you know. I love it. You are too good. Please excuse me while I have a good bawl.
Aubrey that is SO gorgeous. UGH! The cool blues and the caps you used really captured the feeling of those scenes. Though the wp did not make me cry, the the caps of Bright and Colin definitely did. Just seeing them again I lost it. I have issues.
Thank you SOOO much for the extra caps! New icons must be made! And maybe a wp if I can get PS to like me. Hmm....
Oh! What is the name of that scrolly font? I wanna steal it, it's so cool! :-D
hey i took the one of bright that said i need a hug! K! on the one of colin beating up ephrem do you know what would be funny?? if it said play nice! hehe! i saw that one once! Later. ang/sam
Comments 11
Thanks so much for providing a visual touchstone for that feeling.
Thank you SOOO much for the extra caps! New icons must be made! And maybe a wp if I can get PS to like me. Hmm....
Oh! What is the name of that scrolly font? I wanna steal it, it's so cool! :-D
1. Thank you! Colin is so in love with Bright. Evidence ;) That's enough to make anyone emotional *g*
2. You're welcome :D, I make so many extra caps that other people might as well use 'em too!
3. Font = Da Vinci Forward. I have no idea where I got it but if you can't find it let me know and I'll email it to you :D
K! on the one of colin beating up ephrem do you know what would be funny?? if it said play nice! hehe! i saw that one once!
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