So I got lazy. It that any reason for my PC to get hosed? In an attempt to get rid of a particularly nasty piece of malware (thanks son) I slightly hosed my Registry. My mouse stopped working. I put in my Windows CD and rebooted my computer. No go, didn't even POST. I tried 2-3 times and it would just sit there.
I took it to Best Buy. I like Best Buy and I purchase most of my stuff there. Once there the tech plugged it in and it booted right up. Well I figured I'm here what the hell. So I go ahead and drop it off to have them clean it, look at my floppy drive ( I inadvertently flipped the ribbon and have been too lazy to crack the case and fix it) and do an OS reinstall. Now my idea of an OS reinstall means either A) you reinstall over the existing installation or B) install to a separate partition.
The tech offered me to have them back up data for an additional $100, in case anything happens. I declined. Bad Mistake. He told me it would be 24-48 hours. I stopped by 2 days later to check and it wasn't done. they said they would call me. So 3 days after that I get a call telling me its ready for pick up. I go get it and take it home.
After booting it up I noticed a problem. EVERYTHING IS GONE! Apparently Best Buy's idea of an OS reinstall involves reformatting the HDD. Not once was I told they would do this, nor was I told I would lose everything. So now I have lost approximately 4 years worth of stuff. Nothing I can't live without but some of it will be near impossible to replace.
I call Best buy, and as calmly as I can explain the situation. Not only did I lose the Data, but the Windows CD which I left in the CD Drive for them was also not present. So they erased all my data and stole my original Windows CD. ( I figured they wouldn't use a copy) The person I spoke with said pretty much what I expected. An OS reinstall means a HDD Format and he's sorry that the tech who took my PC didn't tell me. They'll look for the CD. If I want I can bring it back and they will see what they can recover. RIGHT! like I'm gonna give it back to them for another week to pour through all my data. I got into this mess for being lazy. no thanks.
So now I am in search of some good data recovery software to see what I can recover. I had a second HDD in it that they didn't touch. so I can install the software there and maybe still save some of the sectors from being written over.
...and how was your week.