The Theme of This Set of Pictures Is: RANDOM
The "FAB FIVE" about to start @ the mall
Hort & Mr. Mayor
In action at the mall: "So tell yourself.....HOW LUCKY YOU ARE!"
"She'll have the biggest tail, I'll have the biggest tail.....The biggest tail of ALL!"
Michael knows how cool it REALLY is to take a pic. with Roo, Cake, Anna, and Me!
"We're Whos here, we are Whos here, please don't let us fall....AAAAHHHH!!!!"
Alright Guys, altogether now.....It's the Pee, Pee, Pee, Pee, ***** Club!!
You know, just 5 cool cast members takin' a picture @ the cast party!
To Aimee, Erin, Hayley, and Cake: Ya'll were ALL awesome!! GREAT JOB!! Great costumes, and AMAYZING parts played! Love you all!!