So I changed Peggy's puppy food. It didn't make her eat any better. I think Peggy is going to be like me and have a natural affinity for the most expensive option. I'm looking at trying Wellness next. I'm avoiding all the supermarket brands anyway, since she's a dog, not a cow, and corn and grain are not natural foods for her. She despises Taste of the Wild and I can't say it looks like something anything would want to eat. I'm tempted to see if the raccoons will eat what I have left. Went back to Diamond for a small bag because she will eat it if it's fixed up. I figured it out though. I observed how she would eat some at first and then leave it and noticed that what she left was shoved up in the straight angle of the bowl I was using to feed her.
I changed to a bowl with a smooth curve and no place for the food to wedge. Voila! She's eating her food much better. No more frustration for her. And likes to shove the bowl around the floor making a clatter. She can't hurt the bowl or the floor, so I don't care beyond picking it up once its empty. She gets told to leave stuff alone enough. She can have fun with her bowl.
And I donated twenty some boxes of books to the library, only to realize I have a whole other stack of boxes to sort through -- not counting the hardcovers. I started this to go through Mom's books. But I have so many of my own in the same storage, it became obvious I needed to cull my own too. Plus I have Dad's books, which I have absolutely no use for and are mostly out of date at this point. No one wants them. It's goes against my every instinct to send a sound book to the big library in the sky.
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