Title: Dreams Pairing: Blohyuk Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU, Angst, Romance Length: One-shot, 882 words. Summary: Do you remember what happened in that dream? -I have no idea. Dedicated to: sujuhigh
;__________________; so beautifully written *showers you with praises* I know you might be getting sick listening to this from me, but I love your angst. Always have "Hyung, maybe just a little, even if it’s just a little, can you give me your warmth, again?" - gahhhh this line! <3
ILU and IMY! I saw your post on 30th december. You okay bb? ;~; *hugs*
Comments 5
I know you might be getting sick listening to this from me, but I love your angst. Always have "Hyung, maybe just a little, even if it’s just a little, can you give me your warmth, again?"
- gahhhh this line! <3
ILU and IMY! I saw your post on 30th december. You okay bb? ;~; *hugs*
Awww, thank you so much bb!
Yup, I'm better now (tho not fully, but I'll get better I believe ^^)
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