Title: Got You
Characters: Jared/Jensen
Rating: M
Warning/spoilers: Sensitive content - Suicide attempt
Word Count: ~500
billysgirl5 Summary: Jensen shouldn't need a reminder like this one that Jared is only human like the rest of us.
A/N: Written a while ago, please read the warnings and don't read if you don't like! If you're gonna leave comments no nastiness please! :)
Jared stood at the edge of the cliff, the wind pulling and pushing at his hair, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks somewhere far below him, hidden by the dark night.
“J-jay?” Jensen asked hesitantly as he watched Jared’s silhouetted form against the black sky. “What are you doing?”
“Want to feel free,” he simply replied, not facing Jensen, a somber tone lacing his voice.
“Please, Jay, just come here,” Jensen begged, watching as Jared lifted his arms from either side.
“It would be so easy,” he whispered, lifting his head to face the never-ending sky, his body wobbling slightly.
“No, Jared, it wouldn’t!” Jensen continued, his pleas seeming to fall on deaf ears.
“What’s the point, Jen?”
“The point, Jared? The point is I love you! Your family loves you! Please! Just come down here, and we can talk!” Jensen pleaded.
“I’m tired, Jen, so tired,” Jared said so quietly, but it still cut through all the other sounds around them and straight through Jensen.
This time, Jared turned to face Jensen, the moonlight reflecting against his wet cat-like eyes and the tear tracks that ran down his cheeks.
“Come here, we can do home and sleep, baby!” Jared physically deflated, his shoulders dropping and his head sagging. “Why, Jen? Why?”
“Why what, Jay?” Jensen asked, trying to keep Jared talking, too scared to reach for his lover.
“Why does it always have to feel this way? It hurts. So much, all the time,” Jared sighed as he turned back around to face the ink black ocean, his feet kicking at some of the loose rocks, the sound of them falling swallowed up by the deafening sound of the waves below.
“We’ll fix it! Together, Jay, always together,” Jensen said, taking a risk and grabbing at Jared’s bicep. Jensen pulled Jared back and caught the larger man as he stumbled into his arms, Jared collapsing into him.
Jensen desperately wrapped his arms around the younger man’s body, feeling it tremble beneath his skin. Jared tucked his head into the crook of Jensen’s neck as he hid his face from Jensen’s view, even though he could feel the wetness grow against his skin but not making mention of it.
“I got you, baby, I got you,” Jensen mumbled into Jared’s long hair.
The two men stood together in the dark of night, alone and blanketed by the moonlight. It had taken something serious like this to remind him, but Jensen would never forget the fact that Jared was still only human and not the hyper-happy puppy people always saw him as.
“I got you...”
Comments would be love! :)