fic: twilight [edward/tanya, edward/bella]

Aug 09, 2008 23:09

Title: fade into sweetest black
Day/Theme: August 9 / white it out
Series: Twilight
Character/Pairing: Edward/Tanya, Edward/Bella
Rating: PG
Word Count: 378
Author's Notes: Written once again for
31_days. Not the most fabulous piece of writing, but I need to write my Twilight OTP again after Breaking Dawn.

fade into sweetest black

Vampires remember everything.

Edward, more than anyone, resents this fact.

He remembers being human, the memories faded Polaroids that have nothing to back them but vague recollections and the warm feeling of what had been love and contentment.

He remembers every thought of every person he has ever encountered, those of vampire and werewolf and human alike. He files them in his head by chronology, and in a separate part of his mind altogether, by name. He can draw any thought at will and play it back with crystal clarity.

He remembers every second of his life as a vampire with exactness so sharp it’s painful. He remembers the good times, the moments of love and contentment, but even they fade in comparison - the bad, the mistakes, his mistakes, the angry words, the foolish helpless descent into sin, every kiss and every touch, they burn brighter in his mind than any good memory.

But more than anything, more than his life as a human, more than all the thoughts he’s heard, more than the memories of his entire existence, he remembers her.

He can see her in his mind as clearly as if she was standing in front of him (or pressed beneath him). He remembers hearing her thoughts mingling with his own; they had stood out sharp in every conversation he’d been within hearing range of, highlighted and bold even as he’d tried to force them out.

She haunts his memories in a way he can never forget.

He resents it, his flawless memories, his unforgetting (unforgiving) mind. He resents that, once upon a time, he could forget.

Human memories fade; he hears it happening every day. Humans, he thinks (and will later recall perfectly), are the luckiest creatures on earth. They live and they die, they grow and change. They forget.

Vampire Edward remembers every moment he spent with her, every moment he thought of her, every moment she thought of him. Vampire Edward remembers her perfectly, exactly, even as he holds his wife in his arms.

But human Edward… human Edward would forget all about Tanya. Human Edward’s memories would fade, just like human memories are supposed to do, just like they always do. Tanya would fade.

But she doesn’t.

After all, vampires remember forever.

edward/tanya, 31_days, edward/bella, fanfiction, twilight: fanfiction, twilight

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