Title: Thursdays and I have a history. (8/?)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 6308
Spoilers: up to AVGC
Summary: The breaking and subsequent making of Kurt Hummel. Follows him through high school, college, and the basic sense of growing up.
Chapter One Chapter Two
Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
Chapter Seven Notes: Hello my lovely, wonderful, beautiful readers! I've been getting some amazing comments lately on both ffdotnet and livejournal and I just want to say "wow." And also, "thank you." You guys are amazing and you all have such wonderful insight to this story and Kurt. I love getting to hear what you all have to say about it and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to comment. And for everyone else reading, thank you all as well. It's fun to spread the Klaine joy. :D
This is a pretty big chapter in terms of changes in Kurt's life. I'm taking this in a slightly different direction than other stories I've read, so hopefully you'll all still enjoy my little divergance from the usual. :)
And a big thank you to my beta, lextempus!
He can feel the professor's eyes on him, sizing him up, and Kurt meets the gaze head on. After all, he had spent most of high school viewing Sue Sylvester as a simultaneous tyrant and savior. This professor in her tacky tweed and sloppy bun is comical in comparison.
With an adjustment of her black-rim glasses over her sharp nose, she speaks out authoritatively into her audience of students.
"I just spent the last few minutes making contact with each of you. Half of you stared back and half of you looked away which means half of you just passed your first test."
Kurt shifts in his seat with interest as a murmur of sputtered indignations fill the air.
"Which half?" one girl from the back of the classroom asks audaciously.
"Read chapter seven in the text about body language for next class. That should clue you in."
Professor Kantra then dismisses class and refuses to answer any more questions, and Kurt's pretty sure that this mandatory psychology class is going to be a lot more interesting than he initially thought.
Certainly more exciting than his mandatory math class, that's for sure.
Kurt reads his psychology text with a note of enthusiasm when he learns that he was in the passing half.
Of course Kurt notices him.
Before they even meet, Kurt learns the shape of his barely crooked nose and the rhythm of his limbering gait. He wants to touch the random patch of hair near his bangs dyed vibrant red and blonde to feel the texture and calculate how dry it must be from the obvious straightening. He eyes the long length of lean leg in those tattered jeans appreciatively and feels a flip in his stomach when he overhears laughter spill from the boy's oval mouth.
Then suddenly, Kurt sees before his face the crooked nose and watches the small mouth form words of greeting as he sits beside Kurt at the otherwise empty table in the middle of the cafeteria. Kurt finds he can only blink in response, his fingers restless against the cool gray tabletop as they tap random beats.
"Hi. My name's Regan."
They have lunch together every Tuesday and Thursday for the remainder of the semester.
Kurt scans the cast list once, twice, three times, looking for his name hidden somewhere in the masses.
Kurt flashes back to that long ago Thursday in Dalton when he kissed Blaine. He remembers the breath caught in his throat, the body heat radiating from Blaine's torso, the weight of Blaine's hands on his arms. He remembers the sudden feeling of separation and how Blaine's apology had sounded in his ear.
That night, Kurt declines Justin's offer to go out on a second date.
"It didn't work out with Justin," Kurt comments in a painfully casual manner that Thursday at lunch.
He's not sure what he expects from Regan, but it's not this… silence. Curiously, he looks up from his egg noodles to find Regan's cool gaze locked on his.
When Regan finally answers, his voice is soft and almost lost amid the typical chaos of the cafeteria.