Okay, feminist rant time…
I am so sick and tired of the idea that a woman can only be happy if she has a child and that a relationship between a man and a woman can only last if they have a child. Sometimes women do not want to have children and that does not mean that they are in any way dysfunctional. So many times in fictional media, women who once claimed to not want children change their mind during the course of the show/movie/book/etc. That implies that they somehow “fix” a previous impairment in their lives. “Oh, I was so wrong before to not want children. Now I want a child, and I better fit my role within the image of a functional woman/relationship/family.”
This is not to say that it is wrong to want children. Absolutely not. I am just, as stated before, tired of the constant implication that women without children are flawed either physically, mentally, or emotionally.
(I may flesh this out more later. This was just an initial response to the latest episode of Bones and a conversation I had with my best friend.)