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Dec 15, 2005 14:38

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1) How would rashes conquer the world? with the power of extremely ackward music.
2) What is angelstar107 allergic to? ...(dontsayfurdontsayfurdontsayfur!) "fur" (good save)
3) Are rashes and maeshin going steady? no
4) Does xander2blue do drugs? ...unless he was perscribed eye medication no
5) What word best describes implord66? zeal
6) What is ryken22's favorite color? ...i'm thinking...black? (no its lime green)
7) Where was maeshin born? ...michigan?
8) If lizzin4lyfe had a superpower, what would it be? to extend a conversation
9) Would imapixiestix be a better ninja or pirate? ...probably pirate but she'd need a sex-change
10) How would neondreams kill imapixiestix? softly...
11) Is genmaru a high school student? no
12) Where would angelstar107 most like to visit? ...wild guess, japan?
13) What is implord66's shoe size? cannoe
14) Have you ever dated neondreams? no, was i concious?
15) Is xander2blue in a relationship? yes
16) Is ryken22 an emo? no, he knows eyeliner is not that fun
17) What do you disagree with neondreams about? ...nothing that i recall
18) What would angelstar107 do differently in your shoes? ...should i go check my shoes or something?
19) What animal does maeshin remind you of? the central european tedium bird
20) What video game does neondreams remind you of? zoo keeper
21) Would implord66 go out with maeshin? not likely
22) One thing you can't stand about lizzin4lyfe? i feel bad about leaving the computer to use the bathroom
23) What is genmaru's favorite food? ...not sure, NYPD?
24) Is xander2blue athletic? not that i've seen
25) What is ryken22's favorite game? that's probably dnd
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