Please, please, please, if you know of someplace hiring, please please tell me. I have applied for every job on craigslist, careerbuilder, the maryland state job website, usajobs, and all the other job search engines. I cannot do this another day. Please. I'm begging you. I need something else. ANYTHING else. I'm currently filling out
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Comments 6
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Job searching sucks. Are you feeling any better? I'm worried about you.
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Hope they figure this out. It's got to be frustrating. *hugs*
I have spent months applying to jobs, and gotten nothing. Sometimes I wonder if people post job ads just for fun, to screw with people. I guess maybe they get thousands of applications if they post on one of those sites.
I am really depressed and really need a job to prove to the court that I am not "voluntarily impovershing" myself. I have an appointment with social services next week to go on government assistance.
THe economy sucks right now. I really think that's what it boils down to. It's hard to find a job because for every opening there's 1,000 applicants. So, yeah, it sucks to be us.
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