that is so disturbing! good news, i'm sending your package tomorrow! and i included a copy of my school newspaper for inspiration/amusment, comments are added of course. and i decorated the box i put it in, i almost wanted to keep it. sorry i've been so evil and haven't been emailing, i admit that i'm a lazy mof. i'll try and email you later tonight though when i'm finished with all of my fun homework. dood, i wrote this essay for english and i didn't think it was too bad but my evil teacher destroyed it. he basically said i am snobby and a hypocrite. so i made my dad read the essay and he told me that my english teacher is a stupid jerk because he knows nothing about HK lifestyle. in my essay i was talking about the day of the article 23 march and i wrote about the cab ride home and how we went swimming in our clothes and then my teacher made a comment on the side of my paper that said this exactly : "you portray yourself as a participant in an admirable cause but yet you retreat to the trappings of those who are relatively
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