Title : Melodies in Between
Pairing: Woogyu (Woohyun/ Sunggyu)
Rating: PG
Wordcount : 200+
Melodies in Between
Part of the Sleeping!verse . Woogyu . PG
A/N : Inspired by the 1st episode of Sesame Player, this is the next installment of my Sleeping!verse. You can read it separately though. First time writing woogyu, hope it’s not far too OOC. Unbeta-ed!
Being his roommate, Woohyun knows how much Sunggyu loves music and how he also loves to sleep with his headphone on, loving the idea of how music will calm his nerve before lull him to full unconsciousness. At nights, Woohyun will find Sunggyu lies on bed, sings softly along the music blaring from his headphone, recites every lyrics he can manage in between. Sunggyu once told him that living as an idol group like this, with packed schedule and heavy burden on his shoulder since he’s the leader, has made him learned how to make himself feels happy with little things, and ones of those little things are to listen and sing to your favorite music.
Of course, Woohyun doesn’t mind. He has followed Sunggyu’s tips and now listens to music on his sleep too.
But to be honest, it’s not just music from his iPod that he listens to everytime he’s about to sleep.
He listens to Sunggyu’s singing. He listens to Sunggyu’s melodic voice.
It makes his night perfect.
Smiling to his pillow, Woohyun thinks that maybe, just maybe, he should arrange his own list of ‘little-things-that-makes-me-happy’. He’ll add ‘sleeping to Sunggyu-hyung’s voice’ on top of the list.
End’s note : Thank you for reading! Sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if this is just pointless .___. Hope it’s not disappointing