August Writing Day 5

Aug 05, 2006 21:40

I used the cover of the December 2005 issue of National Geographic as my inspiration.

Godzilla Is For Wimps

For sheer unbridled terror, nothing beats a sea monster. Yeah, T. Rexes and Velociraptors are pretty scary, but you know they’re gone. Kinda hard to hide if you’re 20 feet tall and weigh 6 tons isn’t it? But out in the ocean you never know, do you? No one really knows what might lurk at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. It goes down farther that Mount Everest is tall; nearly 36,000 feet. You could hide practically anything here and you’d never even know it was there. Until it was too late.
Hell, how many of you wouldn’t go swimming after Jaws came out? Huh? How many of you still won’t go? More of you than will admit it. And you know why? It’s not just because of the shark! Nope! You think about the shark and it makes you wonder what else might be down here. Maybe, just maybe there really is something in Loch Ness, all those fake pictures notwithstanding. And in the middle of the Pacific? HAH! Forget about it!! Kronosaurus might be down here. He’s about 33-feet long and has teeth the size of bananas. Or an ichthyosaur. That’s what Godzilla was based on you know. He really existed. Crunch you up like a nut, he would. Then there’s me. I’m a Nothosaurus. I know, I know, at thirteen feet long, I don’t look like much. Even ole GW is longer than I am. But my teeth are longer; only about 7-inches for the small ones, but the real serious ones, the ones you have nightmares about, are 12-15-inches long. Sure, all the heavy duty paleontologists say I died out about 200 million years ago, but how can they tell for sure? How can you tell for sure? Do you think they’re searched through every drop in the oceans? Do you think they can? This isn’t Finding Nemo; this is real. And so am I.

For all you know anyway. Happy swimming!
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