Title: It's The Heat (The Epidemic)
augustfaiRating: PG-11 (13 is too high.)
Pairing: Various, H/D near the end, slightly pre-slash
Words: 1,179
Summary: Love strikes Hogwarts sometime in the late spring and has attacked so severely some teachers are calling it an epidemic.
love, the epidemic. )
Comments 19
I love you! You really should keep writing, lovey.
This was so great and so funny! I loved the pairing (some weird ones but still gorgeous!); the nervous teachers and your writing! :)
but there’s an epidemic going around. He can’t be blamed.
Great line!
“Why’d you kiss me?”
Draco opens one eye and shuts it.
“It’s the heat,” he mumbles, and takes Harry’s hand in his own.
Be a Malfoy and face it: You'r in love with Harry Potter! :P
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