1. Derek Paquette 2. Pour Some Sugar On Me (crazy singing at prom, nothing sexual, i swear) 3. 10:19 no question 4. Colorful 5. Dance Off Homecoming 2005 6. Hyena 7. Why is it that your brother was sleeping on the basement couch in complete darkness at like 3 in the afternoon.
1. Amanda Chartier 2. Evanescence - Bring Me To Life 3. Midnight 4. Eloquent 5. Awful DDR skills at one of your birthday parties 6. Fox 7. Why you are so quiet, cause I know you have an opinion about things
1. Jeanine Martyn 2. Legally Blonde (what else could it be) 3. 1:45pm 4. Unsophsticated 5. When you cried at the movies cause you were so scared 6. Bee 7. What pills do you pop each morning that make you so hyper
1. Victoriaaaaaaaa Foresburg-Lary 2. Hollaback Girl (cause you have the dance for it) 3. 10:00pm 4. Zealous 5. The first time I met you and I shook your hand cause you passed the EIA exam. 6. Zebra 7. Why you think you're more hyper than Jeanine, cause you really aren't.
1. Liz Warburton 2. The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter 3. 6:00pm 4. Transcendent 5. Taylor's House, "You're a blues John" 6. Penguin 7. Why my parents are obsessed with you
Comments 28
2. Pour Some Sugar On Me (crazy singing at prom, nothing sexual, i swear)
3. 10:19 no question
4. Colorful
5. Dance Off Homecoming 2005
6. Hyena
7. Why is it that your brother was sleeping on the basement couch in complete darkness at like 3 in the afternoon.
2. Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
3. Midnight
4. Eloquent
5. Awful DDR skills at one of your birthday parties
6. Fox
7. Why you are so quiet, cause I know you have an opinion about things
2. Legally Blonde (what else could it be)
3. 1:45pm
4. Unsophsticated
5. When you cried at the movies cause you were so scared
6. Bee
7. What pills do you pop each morning that make you so hyper
And you're a bee cause your always buzzing around...duh
2. Hollaback Girl (cause you have the dance for it)
3. 10:00pm
4. Zealous
5. The first time I met you and I shook your hand cause you passed the EIA exam.
6. Zebra
7. Why you think you're more hyper than Jeanine, cause you really aren't.
2. The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter
3. 6:00pm
4. Transcendent
5. Taylor's House, "You're a blues John"
6. Penguin
7. Why my parents are obsessed with you
2. Any hick/country song
3. 9:00am
4. Bumpkin
5. Clearly surfboards at Vinny's
6. Moose
7. Why not wear the tooth?
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