(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 20:37

Name: Brynn Balcom
Birthdate: 10/15/88


Nationality: american
What time is it: 8:00

Are you sensitive: yes


Called you: mommy

Saw you cry: N/A

Made you cry: couldn't tell you.

You went to the mall with: my mama

Yelled at you: my momma

Sent you an email: Bennett


Taken a picture of yourself with a milk moustache and sent it to the milk company: no

Said "I love you" and meant it: yes

Gotten into a fight with your Dog/Cat etc: yeah

Been to New York: yes

Been to Florida: no

California: haha i live here!

Hawaii: yes

Mexico: yes

Canada: no

Danced naked: yes

Had a dream about something really crazy, then it happens the next day: naw, my dreams don't make sense

Stalked someone: haha yes

Had a mud bath: no, but it sounds orgasmic

Wished you were the opposite sex: sometimes, but not really

What time is it now: 8:02


Apples or bananas: apples

Blue or red: both

Backstreet boys or Nsync: neither ewww

Walmart or Target: TARGET!!

Spring or Fall: fall

Santa or Rudolph: neither exist

High school or college: COLLEGE

What are you gonna do after this: get mad at myself for always doing these dumb surveys

What was the last meal you ate: chicken strips/ my lunch

Are you bored: not really

How many of your buddies are online: haha 16

Last movie you saw: SIN CITY!! IT WAS SOOO GOOD!!

Last noise you heard: me typing or talking to myself

Last smell you smelled: chicken strips

Do dreams tell the future: sometimes, not usually

Has a dream ever told your future: couldn't tell you

What book are you reading now: the subtle knife

Nicknames: b, brynnji, brynnola bar, brynnjamin, brie (combo of brynn and b), uhh...

Hair Color: brown, but it's kinda getting a bit lighter

Height: 5’3”

Pets: a psychotic dog named Ranger..but hes sooooo cute!

Been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: nope

Taken any illegal substances: nope

Gone out in public in your pajamas: yup

Missed school because it was raining: naw, but i love the rain

Set any body part on fire for amusement: um....no..thats dangerous?

Kept a secret from everyone: yea

Wanted to hook up with a friend: oh yes

Cried during a movie: haha of course!

Had a crush on a teacher: haha yeah

Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: nope

Planned your week based on the TV Guide: um, somewhat, not really though

Prank called someone: yeah

Cried: can't remember

Cut your hair: not in the last 2 weeks

Worn a skirt: nope

Been mean: yeah

Been sarcastic: of course not ...haha

Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

Hugged someone: yes i love hugs!!!

Wished on a star: no

Laughed until you cried: yeah

Played Truth or Dare: nope

Watched a sunrise/sunset: sunset..i'm asleep when the sun rises, actually that's a lie.

Spent time alone: my whole life i'm alone!

Are you lonely: on occasion

Are you happy: for the most part..i passed my lifeguard test! woo!!

Are you talking to someone online: not currently

Superstitions: not really

What is your full name: Brynn Erin Balcom

Who named you: my mommy and daddy

When was the last time you showered: this morning

What color pants do you have on right now: charcol (dark gray)

What song are you listening to right now: nothing currently

If you could change your name, what would it be: um, i wouldn't..i like my name

Sleep with a stuffed animal: nope that never worked out for me.

What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? haha i dunno..

What will your first son's name be: Wyatt, Clayton, August, or Luke, unless i marry luke, then his name won't be luke.

Daughter: Blythe, Briza, Mikenna, Avery

Favorite drink: Lemonade, Strawberry Daquiri's (nonalcholic), Shirley Temple

Scary or happy movies: i like happy movies and action packed!!

On the phone or in person: in person, for the most part.

Lust or Love: love

What was the last thing that you said: "no that's ok"

What is right next to you: a pencil, some papers and a cd

What is your computer desk made of: wood

What are the last 4 digits in your cell phone number: 1040

Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: somewhere really really awesome. i don't know where that will be yet..i need to travel more.

What did you do last night: watched Gilmore Girls then One Tree Hill (which by the way is a very bad show..one tree hill i mean, not gilmore girls)

How are you today: pretty good, getting kinda sleepy.

How do you eat an Oreo: um, usually, i just eat it, actually usually i don't eat oreos.

What makes you happy: Lindsay, Michelle, Bennett, Luke, Matthias, music, friends in general, laughing, snowboarding, etc...

What makes you mad: i get mad at weird stuff, and now i can't remember any of it.

What do you want to be when you grow up: beats the hell out of me.

What are your future goals: get in shape for lifeguarding! woo!! find a guy who really cares about me, like truly; learn to play guitar from Bennett

Fave music: rock: indie, metal, classic/oldies, alternative, pretty much everything in this category; 80's; good music..i have a wide selection

Fave food:  um, good food? ooh and sushi..yessssssssss. but pretty much any food.

Fave girls perfume: anything that smells like vanilla, oh and clinique happy

Fave guys cologne: something that smells good

Fast or slow: depends, preferably fast though

Are you too shy to ask someone out: haha yeah, well i can be

Fave clothes store/brand: URBAN OUTFITTERS!!!YESSSSSS!!

What time is it: 8:28


Last movie you saw in theaters: did i answer this? Sin City

Favourite board game: twister!!! but i prefer cards

Favourite magazine: transworld snowboarder and feminene mags, oh and home and garden.

Favourite smell: vanilla, oh and food.

Comfort foods: mashed potatoes yessssss

Favourite sounds: laughter, rain, the ocean, music

Worst feeling in the world: guilt, not fun..

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up: "maybe if i go back to sleep everything will go away.."

Fave place to eat: where there is food.

Do you eat the stems of broccoli: yeah, but i like the bushy part best.

If you could dye your hair any colour, what would you choose: um, a darker shade of brown, but really cool looking.

How many different cities/towns have you lived in: four or five

Glass half empty or half full: depends on my mood, but usually half full

Favourite sport to watch: basketball

What is under your bed: a trundle bed for slumber parties!! wooooo!!

Toilet paper over or under: over, definatly..it pisses me off when its under

Morning person or night owl: depends on my mood and how tired i am, usually night

Over easy or sunny side up: scrambled only. none of this over easy or sunny side up shit. di-scus-ting

Favourite place to relax: my bed or the couch..oooh sooo comfortable

Favourite pie: pumpkin or apple
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