(no subject)

Oct 05, 2005 18:43

1.What Time is it now? 6:43pm
2.What is your full name? lauren eileen loveless
3.What does your name mean? i unno! 
5.Who picked out your name? my mom and dad... my middle name is my grandmas middle name lol
6.What's your nickname? 2 many... lo, lo-lo, loveless,brody jeans, compton, aunt lo...the list goes on and on 
7.How old are you? 17
8.What colour are your eyes? Blue!
9.Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie
10.What size are your shoes? 6

11.How much do you weigh? oh god....
12.How tall (or short) are you? 5"3
13.Honestly what do you like about yourself? I love how im friendly and get along with everyone! and i love my boobs:O

14.What do you always get complimented on? my eyes..and my curly hair.ew.
15. Whats worst quality? man, i get bitchy...and i tell it how it is sometimes... 
16.What are the last four digits of your phone number? 1644
17.Do you think you're cute? ya like DAMN, ha
18.Hair colour? blonde... ya thats rite.

19.Do you wear contacts? Nope 
20.Living Arrangements? with my parents
 21.Favourite Drink? i love fruitopia, mmmm  
22.Favourite alcholic Drink? beer
23.Favourite Month?i love any month thats in the winter.
24.Favourite Food? subs and vegetarian meals 
25.Favourite Board Game? board game?whats that...ha jk. dont got one i dont think...oh snakes and ladders used 2 be cool.
26.Favourite Web Site? livejournal.com!!!
27.Favourite Clothing Brand? well my fav brand shoes is adidas...not sure about clothing...
28.Favourite day of the year? my birthday<3 dec.19th.
29.Favourite colour? pink!
30.Favourite Animal? squirrels, aWW<3 lol. i hate when i see them dead on the road. :(

31.Do you have more girl or boy friends? girls...
32.Who's your best friend? shannon, man she rocks. since kindergarten.still stickin together.
33.Are your parents together? Yep
34.How often do you get together with the family? Rarely 
35.Do you tell your parents or your friends more? Friends, like come on!
36.Anything special about your parents? well, that there good parents, they take care of me and put clothes on my back...good enough for me. they could be less over protective tho... 
37.Siblings and their age? candace 24,rachel[rachie]13
38.You're a flirt? at times yes... lol
39.You're slutty? ya...nope.
40.You shave? no im a hairy girl u know! ha///ya!!of course! 
41.You like someone? yes.
42.You can keep secrets? im pretty good at it.

wheres number 43??

44. Dance in front of the mirror? all the time ;)
45.You sing in the shower? ya!!! :D:D:D
46.You like Britney Spears? no shes a whore.
47.You've liked a cousin? ya im a hick, ha jk...thats disgusting...
48.You've been in the opposite sexes bathroom before? yup.cleaned them all the time at my old job...lol.
49.You've seriously hurt someone? most likely,and im sorry!
50.You've been hurt seriously? ya. ppl are evil!

51.You swear? FUCK YA
52.You get your way? most of the time ;) 
53.You're willing to try new things? sometimes  
54.You've cheated on a test? ya
55.You've smoked? yup, still do
57.What are you wearing? mmm black pants, white shirt with a pink shirt on underneath... i always wear 2 shirts.
58.What colour are your pants? BLACK
59.What are you listening to? Nothing
60.How are you feeling? shitty.
61.What are you doing? a survey and talkin 2 ppls
63.How many ppl are online and who are talking to? at the moment no one, cause i wanna do this instead... there is...over 40 ppl online.

64.How's the weather? Pretty good
65.What's on your mouse pad? its black. 
66.What books are you reading? none!:D
67.How many lip glosses do u have? lots. im a girl! come on 
68.What perfume do you use? gap bodymist or something..its called dream.
69.What's in your pockets? nothing... i wish there was some money in there. 
71.Blonde or brunette chicks? blondes are hott, cause im a blonde...im stickin with the blondes!
72.Good or bad chick? lately ive been bad...but im usually a goodie good. 
73.underware showing? ya, cause im a slut
74.Long or short hair on chicks? long hair
76.What's the first thing you notice about chicks? how slutty they are
89.What did you have for dinner? speghetti
wheres 90??? someone cant count!

91.Have you ever fallen asleep in school? ya!!! lmao
92.What movie do you really wanna see? 40 year old virgin
93.Tell us about that scar? fell off my bike, lmao
94.What is your locker combo? noisy little shit arent ya?95.Where is your favourite place to travel? i dont travel,when im older...im gonna travel all the time!
96.What did you last dream about? a past boyfriend.
97.What was the last thing you ate? crackers.
98.Crayon color? pink and black
99.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my grandma. 
100.Do you like the person that sent this to you? ya ashleys cool!
101.Had a crush on a teacher? Mr. Coulson...He was Mr. Universe ..... LMAO...OH GOD ASHLEY!!! he is hott ;)

102.you too shy to ask some one out? no, they ask me out.
103.Scary movies or happy endining? SCARY, and happy. not picky. 
104.Summer or winter? Winter
105. Relationships or one night stands? Relationships
106.Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla.
107.You want your friends to write back? i dont give a shit 
108.Who is most likely to respond? no ones responding damn it!
109.Who is least likely to respond? god, shut up!
110.What did you do last night? god i cant even remember. 
111.favourite murderer/s? what the fuck! 
113.What are 3 things you can't live without? my neices, love and food/water
114.are you neat? pretty good...
115.Are you always early or late? early and late..depends.
116.Your money or your life? life and money haaa 
117.music loud or soft? LOUD 
119.Where is your stash? how did u find out!!!

120.How many people really hate you? not 2 many i hope. im pretty nice... i know i hate 1 person in this whole wide world.
121.favourite subject? art.
122.How often do you cry? 2 much...im crying right now! ha jk

123.What time is it now? 7:10

<3 lauRen.
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