Sigh. I'm so tired of extending myself to help other people. I mean, yeah, it's great if we can all help each other with work when there's loads of it, so that everyone can get the work done earlier and relax after that. Not to be calculative and all that and say, oh I helped you, why didn't you help me back, yada yada, but at the end of the day life is shitty, let's face it. You help others, but shit happens to you, and you realise that you're the only one stuck with the shit. Happens all too often to me.
Take today, for example. Every Wednesday there's a department meeting where one MO has to present a case. Several weeks ago, I was asked to do the case presentation at quite short notice (5 days before the meeting) because the person who was supposed to present was post-call (unfortunately sometimes the meetings tend to drag on and it ends up that we don't have time to present a case, thus getting postponed to the next week). So, I managed to prepare a case. But then, it got postponed. So, to cut the long story short, I'm ending up having to present today, and I'm actually post-call today. So last week, I ask the other MOs to try to prepare a presentation so I don't have to present today when I'm post call. This garnered a rather heartening response of "Sure, you really shouldn't present post-call, yada yada." However, come today, no one has prepared a case. So I'm going to have to present a case after a tiring call and I'm probably going to screw it up because my mind won't be able to process the questions the bosses will throw at me.
Whatever. What the hell. Life's like that. I know it's a tiny and petty thing to get angry about, but I need to rant. I'm actually not angry. I'm just disappointed and tired and I want to sleep. Where got energy to be angry at everything?