Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you

Jan 23, 2010 15:47

There are those dreams that are completely random and out-of-this-world, a testimony to the brain's amazing ability to string completely unrelated pieces of information from your cerebral cortex together and somehow making you live through it as if it could happen any day of your life. Then there are the dreams that are a reflection of the things you keep thinking of, a subconscious reflection of your innermost feelings, or desires. As the cliche goes, 日有所思,夜有所梦.

So I've had 2 separate dreams in the last two nights that revolve around the same thing. In my army course there's this concept called "dispersal", where we get posted out to various different units/jobs after we commission, and what's special is that we know the list of posts available and "deconflict" it within ourselves such that everyone can ideally (the keyword being ideally, but in reality, you can imagine how unlikely it is to satisfy every person, e.g. sending someone to the commandos when not a single person wants to be posted there) get the post of their choice. Now, there's no such thing as a good post in the army, because every position has its own crap that needs to be dealt with, but I guess if you are willing to deal with the crap associated with the post you are aiming for, then it works for you.

Even with deconflicting of the dispersal positions, the post you are aiming for may not be the one you get in the end, due to various factors which I shall not elaborate on in the interest of time (this has been a long enough explanation for the background behind my dream), including which units have priority in choosing their guy over others, and whether the boss likes you or the 4 other guys fighting you for the post, etc. (as I said, very far from ideal, the system is)

Anyway, going back to my dreams, so what I dreamed was someone telling me that it had been confirmed that I was going to get the post I wanted. This post is not easy to get because I'm in competition with someone else in my course who is much smarter than me and is very likely to get a better Knowledge score than me (sounds very D&D, doesn't it) and thus stands a better chance of getting the post. So, being affirmed that I can get the post is a big thing for me. I guess my mind has been filled with worries recently whether or not I can get the post, or I should wisely put less of my stakes into gunning for it and aim for something more realistic but less desirable.

As things go, it was revealed today that my greatest competitor is out of the running because he cannot pass the course. I shall not say that I am gloating at his misfortune, but it just so happens that this turn of events is in my favour. Not that this guarantees me a place in the post, but I think my chances are somewhat better. So scheming and terrible of me, isn't it?


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