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pavarian and also cross-posted on my other blog.
You have no idea how difficult it is to unearth another 25 random and interesting (not exactly synonyms) facts about myself, considering I already reveal way too much in my FB/Twitter/defunct blog and the last such meme I did. But here goes, anyway.
1. Pessimism and cynicism permeate my life; it's only a result of the paradoxical opposites that also permeate my life that I actually manage to be happy and contented. I have no faith in any good thing ever happening to me, but I still believe in karma, so I avoid doing bad things to other people. Go figure.
2. I was a very demanding and difficult kid, and I now see how much my parents spoilt me. I demanded a present from each parent for Children's Day, then my birthday (which is on the 2nd of October, the day after Children's Day - this equates to 4 presents in 2 days *sweatdrop*), and then two more if I got good results for my primary school end-of-year exams (which was really a given, lol). And then I still had the gall to say that my parents love my younger brother more than me. Thank goodness I didn't grow up to be an absolute jerk (just a little bit of one).
3. I once wrote a post on my blog that spewed vitriol on an institution in Singapore which I have hated since childhood and still do (no prizes for guessing what it is), and I still go back and read the post occasionally to get a kick out of it.
4. I secretly wish I could dance without falling over or looking like I'm having a seizure. Or with 80% of me wanting to crawl into a hole and die there.
5. I always buy tidbits on random cravings but leave them lying around without eating them, because I can never find an opportunity to. I hate opening a packet of chips and feeling the pressure to finish it. Ditto a packet of Tim Tams, and so on. There is a packet of Marks and Spencer Red Leicester and Spring Onion potato chips that has been sitting on my table for more than a month, and is expiring in 2 weeks. I hope I get around to eating them by then.
6. I hate smokers, even those who are my relatives. It is an irrational loathing, but don't you think smokers are just supremely selfish people who don't give a damn that they are killing the people around them? Especially mothers who smoke around their kids, those are the worst.
7. Because of 6., I've come to the conclusion that if I were to get a superpower, I would like to be able to make cigarettes explode in people's faces. Or wipe cigarettes off the face of the earth in a dramatic fashion. Well, someone has to do it! Yes, you're welcome.
8. Remember the television series Growing Up? I loved watching Growing Up until the episode Mrs Tay (Wee Soon Hui) died because she got randomly stabbed by some robber while she was climbing up the stairs to her flat. That was like one of the most traumatising TV moments that ever happened to me, for all that I was aware that it was because she didn't want to continue acting on Growing Up any more in real life. For the longest time I was afraid that one random day I'd lose my mother that way, and I would make sure I said goodbye to her properly before leaving the house. I still do. Because you never know, really. (I feel a little like crying now)
9. I used to fancy that if I ever had children, I'd only give him/her/them names starting with A. I even made a list. Now I don't any more, because I know I'll never have children. Haha.
10. I hate using toilets outside of my home (for egestion), especially public toilets. So much so that I develop constipation when I have to live in like SAF camps or go overseas. When I am forced to use public toilets, I wipe the seat down, then layer toilet paper all over the seat before sitting. I love ION Orchard's toilets because the cubicles are installed with an antiseptic dispenser which you can use to clean the seats. But I still layer toilet paper on the seat anyway, after using the antiseptic.
11. I am right-handed, but I wear my watch on my right hand. My father does this, so I picked it up from him. Also, I just like being different.
12. I think I have never won anything in a lucky draw except a pair of tickets to a play. Which I loved, and played a small part in changing my life.
13. I was made by my Primary 4 English teacher to stand outside the classroom for the length of a period because I said "Good riddance" when her class ended. I knew what it meant, and I didn't particularly hate her (in fact she was pretty good). I just said it for the fun of it. I was a terrible kid.
14. I had a huge crush on a schoolmate in secondary school (I still do, really) and was foolish enough to tell a classmate, who promptly went and told said schoolmate. I was absolutely mortified. But we didn't (and still don't) know each other personally, so it wasn't as weird as it could have been, I guess.
15. It's always easy to have crushes on people you don't really know. When you do know them, they are not so crushworthy any more. The mystery adds to the secret adulation rofl. (Okay, I'm cheating, this is not a random fact about me. Random fact: I have too many crushes to count.)
16. Out of all the presents I have ever received in my life, the best one must be the one my mom gave me last week. Not just because of its value, but also because it was such a heartstopping surprise and because she really needn't have, but still bought it just for me.
17. I love my parents very very much because, when I told them the truth more than 2 years ago, they nodded and said they love me no matter what.
18. Going back to my pessimism, I'm always in wonder that I am where I am now, starting from the kind of background I have. I wonder from time to time when (not if) it will all be cruelly taken away from me. Because what have I done to deserve it?
19. I was late for the revelation of the secondary school posting results at the end of Primary Six, and when I reached school (and everyone was there having already gotten their postings) my classmates told me, "You got RGS!" Haha, I keep it as a good memory of primary school days.
20. I think I lost a lot of my rebelliousness, my outspoken-ness, and my personality in secondary school. I was one of those people the system managed to hammer into compliance. But I didn't lose all of it, of course.
21. I was in Drama Club in primary school, until my mom made me quit because it was affecting my studies. My next contact with acting was in years 4 and 5 of Medicine, when I acted in our batch plays in the yearly Playhouse event. I am a closet drama mama.
22. This is starting to become a recounting of my younger days because I'm running out of random facts about myself. There is only one thing I can only do with my left hand and not my right, and that is blowing my nose. Weird right?
23. I couldn't burp until I was in university. Now I burp far too much, and I can't help it. I suspect I may be H. pylori positive.
24. Only 6 of my friends know. Wish I could tell more of them, but I think I'll let time take its course. Would you like to know? Drop me a mail. XD
25. There's something about the smell of earwax that I find strangely intoxicating. Yeah, I put that as my last point to gross you out.
Now go. Do something better with your lives.