They took out the charm and whimsy? That's appalling. I only discovered the book a few years ago, and found it delightful. I'll stay far away from this adaptation!
Talk about coincidental timing. I just yielded to the enticements to watch "Anne with an 'E'" this morning. I also thought it was missing much of the charm and whimsy, and also unduly dark. I only got through the first 2 episodes; your recap of 3 tells me all I need to know - I won't be watching it. It's a shame, because I thought they got the casting pretty much right for all the main characters so far. If only they could get the sripting right too...
I think that most remakes of former things take the charm away. Every once in a while PBS shows their Anne of Green Gables and I always try to catch it as I find it quite enjoyable. Maybe you can find that somewhere although I am sure reading the books is great too.
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