Kodak Brownie (the mushroom-coloured plastic one). Probably ended up at Oxfam
Kodak Instamatic with flash cubes (does anyone else remember the horror that was flash cubes?). Also probably went to Oxfam
110 automatic with *gasp* "built-in flash and retractable film wind-on". I still have this ... wonder if it still works? Wonder if one can still get 110 roll film?
A cheap 35mm with flash, bought second-hand as a "tested model" from my employers at the time, Consumers' Association (Which? magazine). Possibly still around somewhere....
The Olympus OM10 SLR - bought with a simple 50mm lens and basic flash. I replaced the flash a couple of times, but have broken both the telephoto ones, so am back to using the basic one, even though it doesn't work too well with the very good telephoto/zoom/macro lens I invested in. Very useful for taking close-ups of things on macro, and takes better than average snapshots, when I can remember all the fiddly details of how to use it!
A somewhat better 35mm ?Miranda? - may have been Minolta. From Dixons, anyway. Somewhere around still, I think.
The extremely nice and very useful so far Pentax Espio 135M, with its excellent zoom lens. Very much still in use.
The tiny experimental will-I-like-this? less-than-1-megapixel matchbox-sized digital camera. Eats batteries. Works, sort of.
TODAY'S PURCHASE!!!! A Fuji Finepix S5600 digital camera, 10x manual 5.7x digital zoom; 5.1MP. I bought a 256Mb XD card for it, which at 3MP will do me about 200-250 pictures, according to the manual. That equates to 4 or 5 rolls of 24 exposure film, which should do me a full weekend at a con, for example. £223 from John Lewis. Much experimentation will ensue.
And before anyone accuses me of wasting money on a new camera, the only one in regular use is the Pentax, and I have £150 of birthday money, plus I'm expecting quite a bit more from the forced sale of my O2 shares. Next purchase on the list: a new mobile phone, when I can find one I like!