Title: Gotta Have You (2/5)
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Warnings: angst!Dean and implied Wincest
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but if I did...
Summary: Dean's first days without Sam.
Notes: Written for
dove95 and inspired by the song "Gotta Have You" by The Weepies
Day One (
On his second night without Sam, Dean fucked his way through the pain. )
Comments 6
So good though, I love the Sam look-a-like. And this paragraph: On his second night without Sam, Dean fucked a girl that could have been the female version of the brother he missed so desperately, a close enough substitution to fill the void without ever being in danger of replacing him. Within her warm, willing body he lost himself, let the quicksilver heat of lust burn everything from his mind but the shattering bliss of the moment. And if, as he released into the depths with explosive intensity, it was another's name on his lips, she never had to know.
Wow. I loved it.
The angst seems to be getting progressively stronger in each chapter. I think I'm starting to depress myself : )
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