Pheew! The broadcast ended at 7 am and I had to sleep a bit before I could write something, but I've been so busy the whole day, that I didn't have enough time until now.
In a nutshell, I could say that this this year's Oscars sucked big time, mainly due to the problems with international airing. As for the winners, I was really dissapointed that
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Comments 2
Löysin vasta sun jutut luettuanu ton simply potterfic-sarjissivuston, kai olet käynyt acciobrain :ssa katsomassa? Ne ovat myös aivan hulvattomia ja loistavaa piirrostyötä! Jäi vähän työt kesken sinä päivänä duunissa kun sinne vahingossa päädyin ;D
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