
May 05, 2009 09:44

Household-y (and beyond) Chore List ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

dukerevolution May 5 2009, 18:39:57 UTC
I kinda want your list - it sounds much more interesting than mine. Here's my list:

1) Get up.
2) Eat.
3) Work.
4) Home.
5) Sleep.


aurelle86 May 5 2009, 19:23:20 UTC
My list may be interesting, but it has one big benefit over mine:

I have money going out, but not coming back in :(


ayla_britestar May 5 2009, 20:26:47 UTC
That's one intimidating to-do list! The problem with living in a house is all the home repair stuff you have on your list, like replacing the shower heads. I could never do that kind of work.

When are you going to Alaska? That sounds like an awesome vacation!


aurelle86 May 5 2009, 20:48:20 UTC
It's not that hard of a task when you have no choice ;) I had to re-light the pilot light on my hot water thank the other day. I could either take cold showers or figure out how to do it!

My mom and I are going on an Alaskan cruise the last two weeks in July! We are very excited!


ayla_britestar May 6 2009, 17:22:27 UTC
Good for you to figure that household-y stuff out! If I had to, I'd probably try to figure it out (and possibly break something in the process of trying).

That Alaskan cruise sounds awesome! I'm sure you'll have a great time. :)


cuvitang April 14 2011, 02:36:36 UTC
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kredarove November 2 2011, 19:59:54 UTC
I hope you will keep updating your content constantly as you have one dedicated reader here.


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