Camping: Complete
Fun: Had (for the most part)
Average temperature: FUCKING COLD (35-50*F all weekend)
Number of foodstuffs dropped in campfire: ZERO! :D
Number of near misses: One
Next camping trip: Not any time soon
And now a meme.
Years roleplaying: Eight or nine
Least favourite character?: I really don't know.
Male or female characters?: Both.
Oldest character played: Oldest character still played would be Draco I LIED IT'S FRED AND GEORGE at Amortentia. Oldest character EVER would be Saxifrace
Newest character?: Neville, technically
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Neville, if Pansy wanted him to. Or da!George.
Get drunk and pass out?: Daphne
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Gavin.
Be raped?: mv!Harry, since yeah, happened.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Probably...Draco. Or sv!Harry, just because he'd be too nervous to ask some stranger for directions
Get lung cancer?: Miles.
Star in a horror movie?: Gavin.
Star in a whore movie?: Definitely Daphne. Or Anthony. :D
Star in a video game?: Uh...pass, because I have no idea
Make the world a better place?: Harry, minus boom!Harry, who doesn't want anything to do with the world.
Have a torrid gay love affair?: All of them? Except the ones in committed relationships
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love: Neville, because that's practically all he does, and Daphne, because she's completely against it.
Hate: Gavin, since he feels it for everyone except Nathan
Money: Definitely Draco, who has a lot of it but doesn't seem to do much with it at the moment.
Seduction: Daphne, of course
Lies: Daphne again
Tragedy: Hm. mv!Harry or Draco, I suppose. There's very much drama at Amortentia.
Manipulation: Probably Daphne, because she likes to get things her way. She doesn't always succeed, though.
Violence: Gavin.
Politics: Gavin again, because he hates the government.
Fire: Jared. Since he was with Dagan, who controlled fire.
Ice: Daphne. She's not a warm and fuzzy sort of person.
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?: Have, once, very extremely briefly.
Play a musician?: Also have already.
Play a pilot?: Probably not
Play a homosexual?: Hells yes
Play a pedophile?: Probably not
Play a politician?: Also Probably not
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?: Probably just for PSLs.
Play a character who commits incest?: Mmmmmmmaybe? Depends.