Title: Pick Up
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Barely PG
Pairing: None, Genfic
Warning(s): Post DH, post epilogue
Word Count: 390
Summary: For the
two_of_us_fic challenge.
You know you pick me up from where some try to drag me down
And when I see your smile replace every thoughtless frown.
Old Brown Shoe
Scorpius curled up more beneath his blankets as the other boys came into the dorm, laughing and joking with each other cheerfully. He hated them. More than anything. How could they be happy here? It was disgraceful.
Someone yelled up from the common room and the noise in the dorm tapered off as the boys made their way back out. All of the boys but one, it seemed, because there was a small shuffle outside Scorpius' bed curtains, and then a knock on the bedpost.
"Scorpius?" a voice whispered cautiously. "Are you sleeping?"
Al. Albus Potter. The only person in the entire bloody school that Scorpius could stand for more than a couple seconds. "No," he mumbled. The curtains parted and a warm lump crawled onto the bed, crushing Scorpius' feet before the curtains closed and they rearranged themselves.
"What's wrong?" Al whispered, stretched out on top of the blankets beside Scorpius.
"I hate it here," he choked, closing his eyes tightly to hold back the tears. "I miss my mum and my dad and my home and my dog. Nobody likes me here and I hate it and I want to go home!" Al crooned softly and gave Scorpius an awkward hug. Scorpius sniffed miserably, cuddling closer to Al. "I was supposed to be a Slytherin."
"I don't know why it matters what house you're in," Al remarked, stroking Scorpius' hair. "It doesn't determine who you are. You do that." Scorpius didn't say anything, one hand slipping from beneath the blankets to clutch Al's shirt. "I wanted to be in Gryffindor first. That's where my brother is, and my mum and dad were Gryffindors. But then I met you on the train and I changed my mind. I decided that I wanted to be whatever house you were in."
Scorpius blinked, lifting his head to squint at Al. "Really?" he asked in disbelief. Al smiled brightly.
"Really. You're my first friend that's not related to me. And you looked so sad when you were sorted. I wanted to make sure you had company. So I asked the Sorting Hat to put me in Hufflepuff with you." Al looked so completely proud of himself that Scorpius couldn't help but smile back.
"...Thanks," he whispered, closing his eyes again and snuggling into Al's arms. Maybe Hogwarts wasn't so bad after all.