Whilst corsetry will undoubtedly provide support, longterm wearing of tightlacing can and often does alter your basic body shape and internal structure, so it would probably be better to look into some orthopedic supports rather than going straight to corsetry.
Having said that, I'm no expert on the matter and only go from my own experience of wearing corsets and knowledge of training your waist with corsets (you know, making your waist go in as if it was in a corset without actually having to wear one).
Tightlacing probably won't do what you want it to. While it will give some support the underlaying muscles become lazy because they are not doing any work!
As for tops under corsets I just wear shirts or vest tops with mine.
I'm not sure whether it would give you any benefit. Do you find when at events that wearing a corset helps? If so then it's a possibility. However it will mean that the muscles will not be working as hard during the day. Have you been strengthening any of your back muscles as well as your abs and core? I'd be concerned at the moment that you're over strengthening one set. A lot of back supports out there are similar to corsets but of course corsets look funkier. You might not need to go for too tightlacing to get the benefit though.
When I wear 'proper' corsets (steel busk, properly laced to fit), then it improves my posture and reduces the pressure to a degree. As oryctolagus said, though, I worry about letting my muscles get lazy around one.
I don't think serious tightlacing is what you're looking for. Corsetry wore just a little looser will still give plenty of support, without the lack-of-breath rib-cracking can't-move qualities. It will be a bit like a crutch, though - it might help you through the worst, but it's not a good idea for long-term solution. Occasional wear if you know you're going to be doing something that causes you problems should be ok, though.
As for tops to wear underneath, I got all sorts of things from charity shops - any slightly-too-large top or blouse could work, especially if it's got interesting detailing around the neckline, or long flowing sleeves.
Comments 7
Having said that, I'm no expert on the matter and only go from my own experience of wearing corsets and knowledge of training your waist with corsets (you know, making your waist go in as if it was in a corset without actually having to wear one).
As for tops under corsets I just wear shirts or vest tops with mine.
I don't see how that's a problem ;-)
Slightly more seriously though, www.staylace.com has a lot of information and articles on tightlacing, both modern day and historical.
As for tops to wear underneath, I got all sorts of things from charity shops - any slightly-too-large top or blouse could work, especially if it's got interesting detailing around the neckline, or long flowing sleeves.
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