And so, the descent into the state of mind known as 'grumpy old woman' continues...
I have my military veteran's medical this afternoon. They already have my back up.
Firstly, I shall be seen by a 'healthcare professional'. Not a doctor. Not a physiotherapist. Not a nurse or nurse practitioner. Of course not. That would be common sense. No, I will see a 'healthcare professional'. Why do I get the impression that this means I'm seeing an MoD accountant who someone gave a white coat to?
I guess I already feel judged. The medical is taking place at the DSS exam centre. This is the place where they send anyone 'on the sick' to try to prove they're swinging the lead. I object to this. I'm not trying to claim any social security benefits. I work and I pay my taxes and national insurance contributions, and have since the age of 18, thankyou very much. I don't want to sit at home and live off the state, I just want some help to pay for the medical treatment my GP tells me I need but the NHS refuses to pay for. I know it's just a convenient building with all the facilities, but I can't help but feel that I'm being 'lumped in' with people trying to swing the system.
I almost wish I had something more visible to show. I've been warned by several friends that I need to 'do the opposite of what comes naturally and don't tell them it's all fine and that you manage'. This in itself makes me feel uncomfortable. I DO manage, with most things, most of the time - it's just difficult at times. I CAN drive, but not for longer than an hour or so without a break. I CAN go to the theatre or cinema, so long as we sit at the back and I can get up and walk up and down at the back when my hip seizes halfway through. I CAN do the housework, so long as Andy puts the bins out and carries the hoover upstairs, and so long as I do it in little bits. I CAN still LRP - I just don't go to winter camping events and don't play a combat character any more. It's just that I would have to make less adjustments if I got regular chiropractic treatment - which the NHS won't fund as it's treatment, not a cure.
However, if I go in there and say that, they're going to focus on the fact that I can do these things, not the fact that to do them hurts like buggery and if I get treatment, it might not hurt so much. This ridiculous system is encouraging people to focus on the negative and generally rewards whinging. It annoys me.
Right - grump over, and back to work!