5 Words Mk 2

Aug 10, 2009 21:34

Spiraltower presented me with the following:


Thanks to my childhood, my mind is immediately drawn to the religious context of the word, and also to long conversations with my father on theological matters. The pre or post-tribulation rapture conversation covered several phone calls and a couple of beers. More than anything, this has reminded me how much I appreciate in-depth chats with my dad about anything from curret affairs to the application of biblical principles.


I'm trying to do this by typing in the first thing that comes into my head, and the two concepts competing for space is Outrage the clothing company that makes lovely clothes in ridiculously tiny sizes, most of which I will never be able to wear, and the feeling of sheer righteous indigation. It's a tricky concept, and one that I'm too used to. I see outrage as a ver angry feeling when something in the world just doesn't fit with my concept of what is fair.


I've never seen myself as hugely ambitious, but I am very focussed. For me, it's all about what I achieve for me, than where it leads or what the net result from an external perspective turns out to be. I guess ambition would be 'I want to win awards for my music/cooking/vetetales/fill in the blank', and focus would be 'I want to make a really great chutney/write a song that fits x situation/have a working vegetable garden'.


Again, we have competing thoughts - really great classic motorbikes, no-nonsense bras and the feeling that usually follows successful completion of the above. It's not a word that I particularly use, although there's no reason why. It's a feeling I usually reserve for winning arguments!


I loathe waste. Whether it's a waste of potential, ideas, life or material things, I grew up with the idea that waste was a shameful thing. I throw very little away, preferring to find an alternative use for whatever it is or passing it along to someone else who can.

If anyone else would like to play, comment and I'll task you with 5 words!
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