Haha, I'm having the opposite experience. I really miss polyphasic sleep, and I resent having to sleep 7 or 8 hours a night to function well. I'm thinking of trying biphasic. My course load is demanding that I sleep less and work more. Argh.
well, I had polyphasic with 4 hours a day for around 30 days.. and believe me it was good time. It had some bonuses but now I see that it also has just much problems as well :) Sleeping 7 hours at once is just fine for me. I still have time to study and read what I want.. I just start a bit earlier and have around 1.5 hours... and you know - in this 1.5 hours I am doing the same study as I did in 2-3 hours when I was in polyphasic :) the performance is just high now. Alas I cant say what would happen to the performance if polyphasic was done for that long how is required to get it as your default schedule.. I guess it would be the same.. however it could take years :)
Comments 2
Try to stick it out a bit longer.
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