10_letters 027 School "Letter to Stella"

Nov 16, 2007 12:08

She blinks She strikes somebody blind. And Every thing She thinks Blows her tiny mind'>

My Stella,

As I'm writing this you are probably either asleep in your dorms, or are too excited to sleep in that new bed. I have to admit that I cheated and forced Dad to tell me what house you were sorted into today. It was the only way he could keep me from storming the castle and embarrassing you by demanding to be there for the ceremony. I know I gave the impression that I was fine with this education thing. After all, I'm an eagle, and we love our books and knowledge.

However, I didn't expect eleven years to fly by so quickly. Part of it is my own fault, I suppose. The first years of your life I was busy with work. It took a war to remind me that time waits for no man no matter how honorable his intentions are. You didn't care if I rose through the ranks of my career. You just wanted me to stop canceling dates on you, and to pass the green crayon when I finished with it. I am grateful that you were patient with me to figure this dad thing out. Some people make parenting look easy, but I failed at doing that. The moment I found out that I helped to create you my entire world tilted on it's axis. How was I supposed to manage being responsible for someone so precious and beautiful when I was still figuring out how to take care of myself?

Your mum was one of those people who took to parenting like a fish to water. She never freaked out about changing nappies or if the food was too hot. I never recall her worrying so much about if the crib was put together right that she went as far as to buy dolls that weighed as much as you did to test it out. She still laughs when she sees those dolls in your closet. I stand by my theory that weight testing is something all new fathers do after they put together a crib. Merlin, I can't believe that was eleven years ago.

Stella, my girl, you have made me a better man. A more thoughtful and compassionate man. Someone who can slow down and enjoy the moment instead of always being in a hurry to finish the race first. I know you think you were sorted Slytherin because of your mum and assorted grandparents, but I'll let you in on a secret; I'm pretty Slytherin myself. The hat had a hard time choosing between the houses. I snapped at it and told it that it was wasting valuable time I could be spending with my new books. Apparently that was enough to make it's choice. You should be proud of the house you're in, and know that we are all proud of you.

I've been in awe of your perfection since the day I met you. You were small and beautiful, and I knew that whomever I was before you I could never be again. Perhaps it took me a little longer to change completely, I'm a little set in my ways at times, but eventually I gave in and embraced what it meant to be the father of the future Minister of Magic. Speaking of which, I should warn Minerva you will be after her job one day.

Letting you go today as the train pulled away was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I looked so pathetic your mother insisted on taking me for ice cream, and assured me you would be home before we knew it. That's a lie, of course, because I've counted the days you will be away, and frankly I am not all right with it. Luckily, I know the headmaster so expect me to sneak in to see you sometime. I want you to enjoy your time at school, Baby. It was an amazing time for me. So much to learn, see, explore, and it is the start a new phase in your life. This is where you slowly begin to grow up and start a life that doesn't include me always holding your hand and glaring at anyone who gets too close to you. I'll see if I can make the adjustment to this a bit faster than I made the adjustment to being your father. Actually, who am I kidding, we both know I will be holding your hand and glaring at people long after you are married and have children of your own.

Do me a favor though; don't be in such a hurry to grow up. I like you being Daddy's little girl. Sleep well, Angel.


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