Name: Calum Andrew MacAlaister
auror_calPlayed By: Harrison Ford
Birthdate: December 25, 1965
Age: 40
Gender: male
Wand: Sturdy, Oak wand with a Veela hair core
Blood: Half-blood. Sort of. His mother was a Muggle. His father was a Muggleborn Wizard.
Birthplace: London, England
Location: London, England
Status or Class: upper-middle class
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/Scottish/Agnostic
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Arthur Kincaid MacAlaister/64/Auror
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Adélie Dalila Gladstone/deceased
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: none
Pet Name/Species: none
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: P
History of Magic: E
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Arithmancy: E
Ancient Runes: P
Muggle Studdies: O
NEWT Scores:
Charms: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Arithmancy: E
Muggle Studies: O
10 Words to describe your character: adventurous, arrogant, creative, dedicated, intellegent, noble, sarcastic, stubborn, studious, witty
Personality: Cal is very dedicated and puts very little ahead of his work. He's arrogant and conceided. Rarely will he admit that he is wrong and he thinks he can do everything without help. Though he is very studious, he will not apply himself to the task at hand unless it genuinely interests him. His jokes are normally sarcastic in nature, only those blessed with intelligence can understand them. When waiting on others, he often become impatient... even though it takes him longer to come to his on conclusions. He justifies this because his conclusions tend to be more well thought out and thorough.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Cal is very intelligent and can often find a creative way out of his problem. He's very dedicated to the cause and will give anything to see the end of Voldemort. The desire to follow in his father's footsteps and his knack for DADA is what led him to look into becoming an Auror. He takes his job very seriously and very rarely puts anything a head of it.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Cal is very arrogant. His knack at finding creative solutions to his problems compliments his knack at getting himself into trouble. He will rarely, if ever, admit when he is wrong... even if faced with a life or death situation that proves he was wrong in every way possible. He doesn't like to work with others but will when required. He had to work very hard to earn his NEWTs in Charms and Potions but he did manage to pull it off with hard work and determination.
Since the loss of his mother and, in essence, his wife, Cal fears losing those that he loves. (His father.)
Cal was born and raised in London, the only child of single parent Adélie Dalila Gladstone. Adélie had a short-lived fling with Arthur MacAlaister during his Auror training over four decades ago. The fling ended before she realized she was pregnant and, knowing he was married to his career as an Auror, she opted not to tell him about his son. Some 13 years later she was forced to contact Cal when she became fatally ill and needed him to look after their soon after she was gone. She died when Cal was 14 and he assumed his father's last name,
Adélie was a little surprised to learn of magic, though she'd always known Cal was "special". When he got his Hogwarts letter, she agreed to let him go almost right away. Cal and his mother were always exceptionally close and she doted on him quite a bit, so it wasn't hard for him to convince her of something he wanted to do. A couple of years later when she set to the job of tracking down Arthur, Adélie wasn't all that surprised to learn that he was a wizard. She'd always noticed that Cal had a lot of his father in him.
Cal was very resentful to his father at first. The two were far too much alike to get along for a time, and though Mac did grow to love his son quickly, he almost never showed that affection outwardly. It wasn't until Cal left school and became an Auror that the two began to really get along. Now they are relatively close, though they still clash from time to time. They are both arrogant and stubborn, which has been the cause of many a shouting match between them.
In school he did pretty well. He received the necessary NEWTs to continue to Auror training, he got in a moderate amount of trouble, but not a huge amount. He struggled a bit academically in his third and fourth years after the revelation about his father and his mother's death, but he managed to overcome it and do well enough on his OWLs if for no other reason than being afraid of what his father would do to him if he didn't do well.
Shortly after completing Auror training, Cal was invited to join The Order. His father was opposed to the idea at first, not wanting his son to be hurt and wanting more for him than a life of fighting the war. Cal, however, felt he could balance doing all the things his old man did with having a family, too. He fell in love with [unnamed NPC Order member] and the two were married. [Potential for them to have had children if any other player wishes to play a student at Hogwarts as being Cal's child] They had a happy life together, fighting the good fight and the like until she was she was tortured by Death Eaters to the point where she has become a permanent fixture in St. Mungos, unable to really communicate with anyone. [Again, potential for her to somehow recover if anyone wanted to play her IG in the future]
It is because of what happened to his wife that Cal has a renewed obsession for defeating the DEs and bringing down Voldemort. He is closer to his father than ever now as the two have bonded over what happened and a mutual desire to do whatever it takes to win the war.
Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. brown hair, brown eyes, 6'1", fit, lightly tanned
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:
Prior School: Hogwarts
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?): Ravenclaw
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?): Cal was a very studious, intelligent boy who always seemed to find the creative solution to a problem.Though he had friends and got on with them fine, he was just as happy on his own, with his books. He was very dedicated to his studies and always strived to make his father proud.
Department: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Position: Auror