Farscape first episode re-watch, complete with screen-caps.
May 10, 2014 03:26
The fun starts to start on Farscape... stay tuned.
And here Farscape shows us what this TV show is really good at.... amazing outer-space imagery. I mean, I could just stare at those screenshots for a while... it's just so damn beautiful.
John's experiment is running smoothly, when all of a sudden the radio communication goes out...and John gets sucked up into a wormhole.
"Guys, can you both look grief-stricken at the fact that your son/best friend just got sucked into a wormhole and is probably lost to us forever?" (gives blank stares)
"perfect! I really made the right call hiring you guys as actors."
I always wondered why wormholes and stuff like this was always depicted as watery tunnel things. I mean, look at Star-gate, this TV show, and many others. This just looks like his ship got caught up in an wave while it was surfing on a sea somewhere.
My dirty mind strikes again. Seriously, doesn't it look like he's ...*ahem* doing something to himself?