Sorry for taking so long... the animes on saturday kind of wore me out, and then mother's day was on Sunday.
Anyhow, here's more of the screenshots and my commentary.
I didn't notice this when this first aired on TV, but those two alien people are actually speaking different languages... that is, compared to each other. The blue skinned lady is an Delvan, so she's speaking her own langue. Ditto with that warrior guy. This is actually a very neat detail that they put into the show, most likely to showcase how they all were able to speak and retain their own languages and still understand each other. (more on that later)
John is having an "Oh crap, I'm meeting actual aliens" moment here, and he tries to put on his best face by indroucing himself... but the warrior alien isn't having any of that shit, and seems to be asking him a question.
I forgot to take a screenshot of the bug drone thing injecting something into John's feet though his shoes, but this was an translator microbe that they injected into him... and then all of a sudden it's like the Aliens are speaking English.
Clearly, those aliens think that John is one of those enemies that had been shooting at them from outside the giant ship. I have to say, some of the dialogue is really great here... you can really feel the urengcy and their desperate need to escape from this.
We get a good look at the rest of the alien crew here, as they talk about escaping. This is where John comes to realize that he's on a ship full of alien criminals trying to escape. At this moment you can practically hear him thinking: "Oh crap.... what have I gotten myself into?"
everything went by kind of fast that I wasn't able to get a screenshot of every little thing that happened. If I did, I would end up with like 80 screenshots or something ridiculous like this. As it is, I've actually racked up 300 screenshots of this pilot episode alone. I wish I was only exaggerating, but it's actually true.
So to recap on what went on between those screen-caps, The praying blue chick hacked the codes for the slave collar that was on the ship Moya, and they were able to break free. The warrior alien demands that Moya goes starburst right away, but pilot says Moya can't do that right now... she needs more time. This upsets Warrior Alien greatly. And for some reason, the attackers outside the ship suddenly decide to leave them alone.