I decided I'd better do this since DJ (
littlespank) yelled at me about it and Night (
nightspank) tagged me. I honestly don't know how I'm going to come up with 10 things I'm a tool for but I'll give it a go...
I'm tagging...
starspank just because DJ wants this to "spread like wildfire".
1. My Kids. I just had to put this. What kind of mother would I be if I weren't a tool for my own children? Despite the fact that I spend way more time than I should on the internet, my kids are still #1. Sure they drive me crazy most of the time but I think they're pretty awesome.
2. Food. I love food a little more than I should. Good old home cooking by my momma is tops. Can't beat that. My favorite kinds of food are Chinese and seafood. If you combine the two then I'm in heaven.
3. Christmas. I just LOVE Christmas. It's my favorite time of year. I don't just love the day and what it represents. I love the decorations (we have way more than a sane person should), the music (I would listen to it all year if I could) and the food! It also just happens to fall during my favorite season. I love it!
4. Kick-arse Leading Ladies. Okay...I followed
nightspank's lead and didn't put the obvious thing (KATEE!). I love tv shows and movies with a strong female lead. LOVE them. BSG, Alias, Terminator (movie and tv show), La Femme Nikita, the list goes on and on. I don't like to see women who are week and needy. I like to see a strong woman who can take care of herself and maybe kick a little arse on the side.
5. Photoshop. This is a relatively new obsession of mine. I blame
littlespank for this obsession. She lead me into the world of icons and now I can't stop. I even bent the law a little to get CS4 and spent who knows how much time trying to install it. I love it though. I'm addicted. I don't know how to do everything (and probably never will) but I'm learning and having fun doing it.
6. 80s Music. Yeah...I know it's cheesy. I can't help it. I grew up listening to this stuff and I still love it. DayGlo and Big Hair Bands take me back to my childhood. I like the new stuff too but there's a special place in my heart for 80s music. If "Jack and Diane" comes on the radio in the car I can't help but crank it up and sing along (and play a little drum solo too!).
7. Auburn University. This should probably be a little higher up on my list. If you ask any of my RL peeps they will tell you that I'm a major tool for Auburn. For those of you that don't know, this is where the "AU" in "auspank" comes from. It's not some twisted obsession with the fanfic world. It actually hurts when my football team loses. It's not just football either. It's everything Auburn. This is my school. It's where my heart is. It's at the top of the list of places I would like to live. "I believe in Auburn and love it!"
8. P!nk. Or more accurately, P!nk's music and how it relates to Starbuck. I love her music by itself but when I think if it in the context of Kara Thrace it's just that much more awesome. Up until just a few weeks ago (when Katee's iTunes playlist came out), P!nk was about 98.4% of the music on my iPod.
9. BSG. Does this really need an explanation?!?
10. I can't think of #10!. I guess it'll have to be
littlespank (aka DJ) because she told me to do this meme and I did. Or does that make me her slave?!?
Okay, I know that was lame. So what? Deal with it.