Can I interest anybody in a little bit of Thoughtcrime?
1. Grapeshot magazine, whilst a piece of insipid and horrifically politically correct shit, makes a far better mouse pad for the uni computer labs than Peter Fitzsimon s’ biography of Les Darcy. Although the latter is far less likely to make me want to storm the student publication offices at Macq with a bazooka rifle and old copies of Speculum.
2. All Saints (the Australian drama / soap opera, not the UK band *shudder*) was surprisingly anti-Howard.
3. - Five skeins of DMC thread and an Aida backing = $14.25
- One new packet of shiny gold Birch xstitch needles = $5.18
- Walking into Spotlight Tuggerah to find that they’ve totally updated and expanded the xstitch section = Bec as giddy as a fat child in a chocolate shop.
4. Pictures of fruit in vaguely pornographic positions on lolly boxes make me smile. As does the accompanying article, which contained the brilliant quote: “the lime, who I assume to be the gentleman in this coupling, has a particularly lurid expression on his face.”
5. This week, I have judged the people around me solely on their reactions to Ted Kennedy’s death. Anything short of utter devastation was immediate grounds for disownment.
6. Curiageous is the most bizarre and hilarious thing on the internet. Kudos, Paul Verhoven.
7. The vegetables have turned on me. Evidence - left ring finger, which is now sporting a rather nasty knife-related injury. Curse you, tomatoes! Curse you into hell!
8. Working in a primary school is all fine and dandy until the morning when you turn up on a mufti day, and the Year Six kids are suddenly larger and older-looking than you.
9. Creepy and r-rated Chas/Andrew werewolf!slash is hilarious enough, but becomes priceless when Chas himself links to it on his Twitter, with the tweet: “EXCLUSIVE: Someone's discovered what Andrew Hansen and I are up to. And it's all true!” (And it also begs the question - what exactly was he searching for when he stumbled upon that particular little gem?)
10. Bear in the Big Blue House is far more enjoyable when watched with a heavy metal soundtrack.