Blergh. Horribly, horribly ill today. Like not "he has man flu, he's just bitching", properly ill. Hating it.
So, writing Jhereg plot docs, wasting time on the internet and napping it is.
Thought I'd give this a go.
zero_pixel_coun has kindly furnished me with a list of five subjects to waffle on. Please let me know if you want me to do the same for you.
Five subjects thing. )
Comments 20
2. Robots kick ass
3. The Scientific Method as a spiritual tool
4. Legitimised Killing: War and Execution
5. The world of the imagination
Interesting, I shall see what I can do.
I hope you feel better soon btw dude.
1. The duties of a storyteller.
2. The biggest disappointment of the 21st century.
3. Being a new father.
4. Superhero movies.
5. Regret.
2. Music genres, whether very broad ("rock/pop") or very specific ("Boston ska"): useful taxonomy or needless constraint?
3. Kinder Eggs
4. "People talk about their feelings too damn much these days; sometimes people could do with bottling up more." Agree/Disagree?
5. Lasers Kick Ass
2. Moral absolutism.
3. Being a new driver.
4. The "cute little dead/homocidal girl" movement in comics/toys/culture.
5. "Evil Science Totally Rules."
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