Obligatory fangirling/rambling GK2/AAI-2 post

Dec 18, 2010 15:59

WARNING: There will be screaming and tl;dr and possible spoilers for any game in the Ace Attorney series and fangirling and declaring undying love for Miles Edgeworth that burns with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns.

Do not click on the cut unless you have braced yourself.

Did I mention SCREAMING?

Oh yeah, subbed winter trailer under le cut.

image Click to view

ADSKHFADLKJF;SADLFJLADSJFLAD*dies* The premise of "conflicted feelings", Edgeworth going up against a judge (a very attractive lady judge, I might add, WITH AN EXTENDING GAVEL), and LOGIC CHESS hooked me, and now knowing more of the story is reeling me in. IDK, after playing all the games, I thought AAI went a bit overboard with the fanservice and could have been executed more properly. I mean sure, it has Edgeworth and I'm a sucker for anything Edgeworth-related (okay, almost), but looking back, while I did enjoy the game, I thought it could've been better. Still, I guess it's because it was the first of its series and had an entirely different gameplay.

Oh, and we did not need to have such a long final confrontation in the final case, even if they said they wanted an opponent worthy of going up against Edgeworth. -_-

And I'm not satisfied with how they handled Kay's character. She had the potential to become more than just your token assistant girl - and right now half the fandom is still convinced that she's a canon Sue. Well, Kay didn't have a lot of screen time, so she'll just have to prove herself in the sequel. IDK but I enjoyed the Yatagarasu plot. ^^

So there, I was of two minds about AAI-2. It can go both ways. But right now, I'm leaning more towards the HOLY FUDGE AN EPIC STORY I CAN'T MISS THIS side after the trailer. Still, I don't really have a verdict. Yet.

Now, this trailer just introduced some new characters who'll have bigger roles than I initially thought. There's Ichiyanagi Yumihiko, the messenger of the prosecutor's offices. It looks like he loves wearing his badge - much unlike the prosecutors we already know (blame Manfred for that). He strikes me as the stuck-up kind, although without the cold confidence of the von Karmas or Edgeworth's calculating manner. I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be a prodigy like Franziska and Klavier. He might be Mikagami's assistant of sorts, even - or at least, that was the vibe I got while reading the story pages of the AAI-2 website (why did I just type AAI-3?).

He could also poke an eye out with his pointer. "It's levi-OH-sa, not levi-oh-SA!" If he's young enough, I might 'ship him with Kay. Those two will either get along pretty well or butt heads especially when Edgeworth and Mikagami go head-to-head in Logic Chess or an argument.

Returning to our dear Mikagami Hakari (I bet her English name will be something like Justine Clearwater, derp...but "Justine" doesn't seem to suit her ahahaha), she apparently has a gavel with a retractable handle (possibly to, yes, whack inept lawyers in her trials from her seat). I approve, strangely, but I don't see her striking Edgeworth any time soon. She looks like she'd rather strike him with her own brand of logic, and she's also the one who asked if Edgeworth wants to risk losing his badge. And we already know that she's probably a member of the council that has the power to revoke lawyers' badges. It would be interesting if we ran into Kristoph -


"OVERRULED!" I like. I knew it. She'd be shouting "Overruled!" instead 'cause she's a judge and all. But does she know that afro guy, Shigaraki Tateyuki? I wonder...

I still can't wait to meet Mikagami. She should've met Manfred. I still think she pass for Franziska's older sister...what a twist that would be.

And there's Shigaraki, the man who claims to know two Edgeworths - the man I thought was a journalist who was tailing Edgeworth for a story or something, or who might even be interested in Yatagarasu lore. So he would be in his very, very late thirties or his fifties if he was around to meet Gregory Edgeworth. But since Shigaraki is also a defense attorney, it's possible that their paths crossed at least once, and ever since then Shigaraki has been keeping tabs on the successor to the Edgeworth name (orz). Maybe Shigaraki took some tips from Gregory or was even his apprentice at one point?

MAN I want a flashback case like burning. I want to see (AND PLAY AS OMG) Gregory again. Double bonus points for a face-off against Byrne Faraday. Triple bonus if we get to see them being buddies after the trial. "Hey Greg." "Hi, Byrne." Does this mean...we get to see little Tinyworth sprite? =3 AAAAAH that would be cute if it could happen. I swear, that would complete the game even if I'd rather that the plot went forward instead of suddenly going back into the past.

As we all know, Edgeworth once wanted to be a defense attorney. And T&T has proven to us, thanks to Diego Armando, that a lawyer can switch sides if they want to, from defense attorney to prosecutor...which means the reverse must be true. So Shigaraki presents the possibility to Edgeworth, who HAS indeed experienced sitting at the opposite bench and who (all along, I suppose) has the choice to finally follow his father's footsteps.

Here we see the theme of duality presented over and over in the trailer - guilty or not guilty, black or white, prosecutor or defense attorney - and the two paths that Edgeworth can take. Hence, I can see how a guy can have "conflicted feelings" about this sort of thing. But in my opinion, Edgeworth might stay a prosecutor, knowing that he can still pursue the truth and somehow, still follow Gregory in his own way. I dunno...but he would make a great defense attorney too. XD

There are other characters - one supposedly the defendant (we see her in the detention center) and some weird guy who exercises at a zoo? What. Said guy reminds me of Terry Fawles, or maybe it's because of the prison stripes. Wait, um, is this really a zoo?

"From the crime scene to the courtroom"? That reminds me...will AAI-2 finally have trial scenes? I'm not sure if that means actual trials or if many of the cases will be connected to the courtroom. The latter seems more likely with the game style, but I'm hoping for trials. I doubt Edgeworth will pose as a defense attorney again; once was epic fun and awesome, but twice might kind of push it, since he already acted like one enough in the first AAI. Maybe he'll face Shigaraki? Then with the rights to investigate taken away...would that be Ichiyanagi's doing? Yet - does a messenger have enough authority to overturn a high prosecutor? Maybe not, unless Ichiyanagi has Mikagami's blessing, and she's a judge.

I bet if Lang and Franziska are going to show up, they will only at the very end. Yes, like JFA and T&T. I also noticed that in this second AAI, Edgeworth's main rival is a woman - just as Phoenix's second rival was Franziska. BRB crossing fingers for prosecutor!Kay to face Apollo Justice in GS5 - *SHOT*

Then we'll either hear someone shout OBJECTION! with a whip crack or NOT SO FAST!

Still contemplating 'shipping Edgeworth with Mikagami. =3

...*stops tl;dr-ing before she explodes*

OH AND ORCHESTRA ALBUM <3 I loved the AAI music. ^^ And I think I'll love the music for AAI-2.

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