At this rate, I'll have The Last Command read by January. And I might as well give Eric Jedi Outcast back because playing a mediocre SW FPS is not very high on my list right now.
Auston's "New England Sucks This Year So Let's Make Fun of Them Because I'm a Colts Fan" Contest
Last year, when the New England Patriots were on their dominate and oh-so-unforgettable road to the Super Bowl, Yahoo Sports happened to highlight them with a picture that caught my interest. It was one of star players Tom Brady and Corey Dillon just after scoring a touchdown. I guess the guy cropping pictures for Yahoo Sports decided it really conveyed the feelings of the emotional victory.
I just think it looks ridiculous.
So I saved it, thinking to myself, "Someday it will come in handy. I just know it!" That someday is today.
Whoever can come up with the funniest caption and/or photoshop job wins the contest. I haven't yet decided on a prize, but I'll think of something I'm sure. It'll be a good prize though. I mean, like pat-on-the-back good, not just nod-of-approval good.
Okay, I'm not going to lie, I'm addicted to Final Fantasy, The Best of Collection: N Generation. Now, I'm not a big Final Fantasy fan myself: I've played through a grand total of three FF games. But the music... that's something else. I've always liked "S Gen" and I've recommended it to people -- heck, I even made a music video to "Liberi Fatali" with Tavis last year. But now that I've listened to it a few times, I think "N Gen" has more of an acquired taste to it. After you've heard the CD a few times, you start to understand the real genius behind it all. So many of the songs are just packed with deep emotion, and it's just so rare to hear that in contemporary music with such soft, simple tonality.
(Ah, there I go writing about music again. In case you didn't know, one of my greatest motifs in life is the anonymous quote, "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." Let's move this in a different direction.)
When I die, and go up to the pearly gates, there's going to be a choir singing "Home, Sweet Home." I just know it, Saami is the tongue of angels, it has to be. Either that or three Saami-speaking angels did a record deal with Nobuo Uematsu to make this CD. It's gotta be one or the other.
If I had to pick a song to be the theme of my life, I think I'd have to pick "Symphonic Suite Final Fantasy: Scene VII (FFII)". It's all there, the good the bad, the happy and the sad, the everything. Okay, so maybe it's got a bit of a dramatic flare to it... but if I was a magic weilding warrior in a forgotten fantasy realm, it would most definately be my theme. So neiner.
Overall, I am hereby taking back my original designation of "It's okay but not that great," and replacing it with, "I would suggest it to anyone who has any real taste in music or just plain likes piano solos." *Thumbs up*